

link 13.12.2007 10:04 
Subject: tire-kicker/small selection
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Слово встречается в следующем контексте:
речь о том, как продавать электрокамины на выставках

• Qualify customers; learn to identify and not waste time on “tire kickers”. Ask questions about where they see a fireplace in their home. Their answers will guide you to presenting a small selection of Electraflame® products that suit their needs.

про кикеров тут нашел:
Digital Web Magazine - A word on tire-kickers, charlatans and ...- [ Перевести эту страницу ]Digital Web Magazine - A word on tire-kickers, charlatans and opportunists.
www.digital-web.com/articles/a_word_on_tire_kickers/ - 12k -

• Сортируйте покупателей; научитесь определять и не тратить время на шарлатанов. Спросите у посетителей, где они представляют себе место для камина в своем доме. Их ответы помогут вам подобрать камины Electraflame®, которые подходят для их нужд.

Заранее спасибо


link 13.12.2007 10:09 
tire kickers - те, кто пришел просто поглазеть, без серьезных намерений


link 13.12.2007 10:10 
in this context a tire-kicker = a time waster


link 13.12.2007 10:20 
как их тогда одним словом назвать?
сначал ахотел написать, те кто тянут резину

потом передумал

вспомнил, что на выставках в жкспоцентер когда был, всегда пристусвует % людей, которые ходят ценные сувениры пособирать


link 13.12.2007 10:20 
в экспоцентре


link 13.12.2007 10:26 

1. tire kicker 170 up, 12 down

Someone who is indecisive about purchasing a product or service, and never feels satisfied with what they are offered. In the end a tire kicker may or may not buy. The term comes from sales people at car dealerships. Tire kickers would come around frequently, kick the tires a few times on the cars that they liked, but never make a solid purchasing decision on any particular car or trim.

That tire kicker has come here every day for the last month, don't waste any time on him.

by Ethan Apr 26, 2004 email it
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2. tire kicker 9 up, 2 down

A person who acts or thinks they're interested in purchasing a car that they can most likely not afford to buy. They spend a majority of their time trying to find things wrong with the car that's for sale by complaining the car is the wrong color,(when they knew that it was that color in the first place), its an automatic instead of a stick (but if it were a stick he'd want an automatic) or its missing a few features that they really wanted, like the irrelevant windshield washers on the headlights. Tire kickers generally low ball you on the first offer, just to see how desperate you are. They generally test your will to sell it to them by their indecision. Most tire kickers are indecisive car buyers who are cheapskates at heart, that will never fix the things or faults they find wrong on the car thats for sale if they buy it.

Tommy the tire kicker was testing Johns patience with the list of things he didn't like about the car.

tags indecisive cheapskate lookie lou bs artist car shark
by Dion 67 Van Nuys, Ca Oct 3, 2007 email it
3. TIRE KICKER 27 up, 109 down

Someone that goes to the mud to watch people wheel there trucks but does not have a truck to wheel of there own and can only kick the tires on other peoples trucks

как же его обозвать?


link 13.12.2007 13:15 


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