

link 22.02.2008 8:30 
Subject: Приказом ФСФР, от 10.10.2006г., №06-117/пз-н "Об утверждении Положения о раскрытии информации эмитентами эмиссионных ценных бумаг"

Приказом ФСФР, от 10.10.2006г., №06-117/пз-н "Об утверждении Положения о раскрытии информации эмитентами эмиссионных ценных бумаг"

Does anyone have the English for this thing? As usual, something can be hacked out (which seems to be what a lot of people do) but there has to be a standard translation and that is what I am after (I have just never seen it).


link 22.02.2008 8:59 
i don't think there's a standard translation for this
i would use, depending on the context
FSRF (Russia's financial markets regulator) guidelines (#) regarding Issuer's Disclosure Obligations dated


link 22.02.2008 9:27 



link 22.02.2008 9:37 
i don't think the FSFM (aka FFMS) bother about having translations of their regulations on their website, and those that are available in the Garant system are usually of inferior quality (at least those I have seen were that way).
their predecessor (FCSM) did have translations of some key regulations, but those times are over.
суслик - названия законов и нормативных правовых актов лучше переводить дословно. :) тогда легче угадать русское название акта при переводе с английского (это приходится делать регулярно :).
Regulation on Information Disclosure by Securities Issuers - на "эмиссионных" имхо можно забить.


link 22.02.2008 9:42 
Thanks for the advice. I agree that it is better to do a more word for word thing.

Random thought: we could make a lot of money by creating a standard translation of a lot of things here


link 22.02.2008 9:46 
'More, сталкивалась с тем, что приходилось переводить обратно, искала точное русское название по номеру и дате.
не знаю, мне кажется, что дословный перевод ничего не дает...


link 22.02.2008 10:51 
now i agree with you.. oh the insanity in my head right now. and all i want is for the thing to be done :)


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