
 Harry Johnson

link 10.12.2008 9:35 
Subject: restricted purpose company
Как лучше назвать данный тип компании "restricted purpose company", предлагаемый Законом О коммерческих компаниях Британских Виргинских островов


link 10.12.2008 9:43 
Компания с ограниченной ответственностью и определёнными фиксированными уставными целями
Или короче:
Компания/общество.юридическое лицо со специальной правоспособностью


link 10.12.2008 10:20 
Statutory Companies. Relatively rare today, certain companies have been formed by a private statute passed in the relevant jurisdiction.

Note that "Ltd after the company's name signifies limited, and PLC (public limited company) indicates that its shares are widely held."[3]

In legal parlance, the owners of a company are normally referred to as the "members". In a company limited by shares, this will be the shareholders. In a company limited by guarantee, this will be the guarantors. Some offshore jurisdictions have created special forms of offshore company in a bid to attract business for their jurisdictions. Examples include "segregated portfolio companies" and restricted purpose companies.


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