

link 9.02.2009 14:40 
Subject: OFF: Кризис и как вы с ним боретесь
Вот уже третий год занимаюсь переводами как фрилансер (с маленьким ребенком трудно работать полный день). До Нового года работы было, хоть отбавляй - приходилось отказываться, (хотя кризис уже начался), а сейчас - тишина. Разослала всюду резюме с тестовыми переводами - тоже ни гу-гу. Но переводы не могут быть все плохие! До сих пор жалоб не было. Я склонна видеть причину не в себе, а в ситуации на рынке, а как у вас с загрузкой??

Спасибо за внимание


link 9.02.2009 14:50 

Sympathy... it can't be easy knowing you have your kid to worry about.
I don't know what kind of options you have with your little one, but you might try a staff position. Have you looked into larger companies? Some are still hiring.

What are your topics/fields?


link 9.02.2009 14:51 
Деньги на работе перестали платить, и на резюме в интернете не откликаются.


link 9.02.2009 14:51 
У меня тоже small kid.


link 9.02.2009 15:05 
Основная работа у меня есть (официально в декрете), но если я буду через каждую неделю больничный брать - никто держать не будет, а фриланс выручал до поры до времени. В основном перевожу фармацевтику и юридические тексты


link 10.02.2009 6:27 

Try looking at jobda.ru

And stay positive!

 Coleen Bon

link 10.02.2009 8:00 
На рынке фриланса и правда затишье

Все лакомые заказчики сидят по норам, остались мелкие и невкусные заказы. Я с кризисом борюсь старым добрым методом - тем, что держу яйца в разных корзинах -

я во-первых инхаузер, и фриланс для меня - это "на чулочки"

во-вторых, есть пара ХОРОШИХ учеников - и тот же час занятия на порядок выгоднее того же часа устного перевода. При желании эти ученики могут привести ко мне еще нескольких - но сейчас это не актуально.

в-третьих, старое доброе правило спасает - одну десятую заработка откладывать

у меня тоже детка есть, скоро семь лет


link 10.02.2009 8:23 
А как сейчас, кстати, с уроками? Это более эффективная подработка, чем переводы? И времени меньше требует, вроде бы.


link 10.02.2009 8:25 

You are completely right about not keeping the eggs in one basket. I am pretty sure that is all that's going to get me and the family through this crappy-crapperson period. Only problem is - I am down to one remaining student. bach! I wish I had more, especially since I am teaching the one on "sale prices". The day job is here, for now, but there are some pretty serious rumors. Putting a bit away - well,I suppose for many that is hard to do right now and was before.

How is the little one?

 Coleen Bon

link 10.02.2009 8:28 
He's fine, thanx. We're going to school this year - and are preparing hard for this event - well you know how is it now in Moscow )))

Thanx God we've already found the school

How is yours? ))


link 10.02.2009 8:36 
Do you have to wait in "line" to get into a school too? Should we be registering ours with a school now then?

Ours is fine. She is a talker (in both languages) and a wild things. So I suppose she is acting like normal kid. :)

 Coleen Bon

link 10.02.2009 8:40 

well may be we should meet with our kids some Sunday?

Our nursery school is combined with the school itself - VERY convenient


link 10.02.2009 8:41 
Ah.. that would be convenient. Where are you guys located?

well may be we should meet with our kids some Sunday? - that would be cool.

 Coleen Bon

link 10.02.2009 8:43 
Sviblovo (blah, HOW is it spelled?????)


link 10.02.2009 8:43 
Вот ведь странно, а у меня загрузка (и оплата соответственно) не только не уменьшилась, но даже увеличилась (в несколько раз). Новые заказчики появились, старые почему-то активизировались, да еще плюс ученики возникли, умоляя их учить, на любых условиях :) (а ведь не преподавала уже года два).

Да, у меня всегда все ни как у людей было... (кстати, моей ребенке 4 года)


link 10.02.2009 8:43 
Что ж, я думал, вы знаете ситуацию про репетиторство. Надо других тогда поспрашивать. Мне кажется, ученики сейчас есть, я вот еще недавно отказывал некоторым из-за недостатка времени, а сейчас думаю, что надо бы поискать.


link 10.02.2009 8:52 
Ну, вроде "Свиблово", а что?
As for me, I'm single and my status is "have never been married", Sure it's not a problem for a twenty-three-years old staff Junior Translator in an average Translation Bureau. We tend to have much more tasks than before, but there have been no staff reduction yet. That pleases.


link 10.02.2009 8:53 
Students can always be found. Time and matching schedules is the problem. :)

Sviblovo - Ah.. ok.

EnglishAbeille - I think it depends on what your clients' business is.

 Coleen Bon

link 10.02.2009 9:03 
Serge1985 )))) я русская. я мучалась? не зная как это Свиблово написать ) Предкофеиновый тупизм, знаете ли... или пятиминутный завис мозга

Susan79 - and where are you?


link 10.02.2009 9:03 
I've gone back to tutoring as well. Freelance assignment are still coming in, but not as thickly. Its not too bad. Besides, its summer here and I have time to relax a little and dig in the garden.

In good news, the silly company where I was working in-house, and which has really stuffed up the relationship with the Russian client has called me back... for some freelance work. Apparently, after laying me off, they promptly laid off my Russian-speaking project manager (we were the only ones with Russian language skills), and now need to convince the client to pay the last bill and also sound them regarding a shelved project. Hehehe. Lets see how much I can get out of them! :))

 Coleen Bon

link 10.02.2009 9:03 
там после мучалась, конечно, запятая ))))


link 10.02.2009 9:16 
Susan79, if you are teacher you can easily do it, otherwise it can be done in the evening.


link 10.02.2009 9:18 
I have a full-time gig til 6. And our location is bad for getting to lessons by even 7. That's the problem. Plus with a little one at home you tend to try to leave a bit of room for them in your life. If it comes to it, I will be teaching 4 nights a week like before, but I am waiting to see if I really need to.


link 10.02.2009 9:23 
crisis is smth that you`d rather be prepared for not strugglin` against.
that`s my position, though not originally mine))


link 10.02.2009 9:27 

sent you a PM.

I think most people understand that, but not everyone has the means to be prepared. And the asker asked how we are coping, not how we saved and prepared. No one except finance gurus saw this coming, soo.... how are we coping is a much better question. :)


link 10.02.2009 9:28 
I got laid off two weeks before Xmas... The whole department (20 people) got yanked if you can believe this... But, like Susan and Coleen, I have a baby at home, so I'm not complaining at the moment, although being a full-time mom proved more challenging that I could imagine! I got head-hunted for a translation gig (contract), but it requires travel, so I'm not sure if I'll take it...


link 10.02.2009 9:36 

Yeah... that sucks.
And full-time mommy is harder than any job in the world (personal opinion) which is why my husband is like gold to me (he is the one working from home and sitting with the bebe).
Are you a single mom or does dad make something?


link 10.02.2009 9:44 
Our "papa" is the breadwinner at the moment... Plus, they gave me a 10-week pay severance package, so there's some money coming in for now... I don't know what I'd do if I was a single mom and lost my job in this sucky economy... That would suck the big one! 8\


link 10.02.2009 9:48 
Being a single mom normally sucks even when times are good. I have a friend who is a single mom of two and lost her job about a month ago and got NO severence pay. That's why I ask. I thought, not another one! These poor ladies!

I think we are all going to be sucking the big one within the year, though. I don't have much hope for the world right now. Maybe we should all move to Siberia and start a commune? :)


link 10.02.2009 9:51 
Кризис и как вы с ним боретесь?

Пол-литра светлого пива "Саку" после еды и спокойный продолжительный сон до 9 утра.


link 10.02.2009 9:53 
yikes! Two kids and no job? wow... Yeah, Siberia is beginning to sound like a good option... )))
I'd prefer South of France, of course, but.... )))


link 10.02.2009 9:55 
>>Maybe we should all move to Siberia and start a commune? :) >>
Why not? I'm in Siberia now and it's quite "warm" here - about 25 below zero during the day and 35 at night.
Building a hut in the woods would be an extreme thrill)))


link 10.02.2009 9:56 

Hahahah! Saku! yeah, that would help, if you have the money to buy it.

Speaking of beer, when is the next MSC pow-wow? We could all get together and complain and get drunk to cope. :))))

Isulya: yeah it's pretty crap for her right now. Pretty crap.

Arandela: Build it and they will come. :))


link 10.02.2009 10:03 
>>Build it and they will come. :)) >>
At last we'll have a pow-wow in Novosibirsk)))


link 10.02.2009 10:04 

You could do one without us. There are plenty of you in Novosibirsk I suspect. At least I know of some.


link 10.02.2009 10:06 
Ok, maybe not Siberia... having seconds thoughts now... It's been in mid to upper 20s (Celsius) where I am... ))


link 10.02.2009 10:09 
and MSC is 0 degrees.

I get the feeling that Jack Frost has been effected by the crisis too. :)


link 10.02.2009 10:19 
Susan79, don`t trust those who state that current crisis is an unpredictable situation.
Me personally. I was informed from three different (for expertize and area of business) that USD would rise up to 35 and lodging would fall for 20-30%
So I WAS prepared for crisis and got dollars invested in family lodging development.
I`m not an expert in finance only advanced though!.
SO the reply for asker - if U R not prepared for current status of your financial situation, then get prepared for further crisis development (as nothing stands steady and balanced in such circumstances, every crisis changes as a child..or even as a young lady pregnant for first time..)


link 10.02.2009 10:28 
you said it yourself:
I was informed from three different (for expertize and area of business)

so you had help. Most of the world did not.

 Анна Ф

link 10.02.2009 10:54 
Воспользуйтесь этим перерывом, отдохните и позанимайтесь с ребенком. Гуляйте и занимайтесь спортом вместе с дитем :)Читайте что-нибудь на английском в интернете, смотрите фильмы. Заказы скоро будут. Компании как работали, так и работают. Переводы нужны. К тому же, действительно, всегда можно давать уроки, это тоже хорошая возможность заработка.


link 10.02.2009 10:57 
и на репетиторстве можно больше заработать , чем на переводах, я вот думаю...


link 10.02.2009 11:19 
согласен с Анной Ф. когда меньше работы и бюджет уже, ребенку почему-то больше настоящего человеческого внимания уделяется.
Просто живого разговора на нужном уровне, а уж про пользу физ.занятий вообще молчу.
ЗДоровья вам и вашему малышу! а фортуна покапризничает и повернется обратно к вам лицом, обязательно!


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