

link 3.05.2005 15:37 
Subject: SCA background music
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.SCA

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте: FM stereo signals must also simultaneously carry other information, such as SCA background music, paging, and much more.
Ой, боюсь, что здесь требуется фундаментальнейшее знание предмета! Пипл! Помогите, кто чем может!

Заранее спасибо, Mizzie


link 3.05.2005 16:14 
The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our "Known World" consists of 18 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which may feature tournaments, arts exhibits, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, and more. Our "royalty" hold courts at which they recognize and honor members for their contributions to the group


link 4.05.2005 6:23 
Whoever wrote this - are you nuts? What does all that middle ages shit have to do with stereo FM signals? As if I don't use the Multitran and don't have a list of irrelevant translations as it is! Thank you.


link 4.05.2005 7:19 
Mizzie, :))

try this link - http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?String=exact&Acronym=SCA

hope you'll be able to find the meaning you need...


link 4.05.2005 7:28 
откопала вам сайтик http://reader.ku.edu/scatech.htm

как раз все про SCA написано. там поиск на странице задайте, найдете вот что: "SCA stands for Subsidiary Communications Authorization".


link 5.05.2005 6:55 
Perevodilka, whoever you are!
Words fail, типа, to express my, эта, gratitude! Все (почти) понятно, все захватывающе интересно, хотя с переводом я и так уже все сроки надинамил, но все равно, спасибо. Ты кто сама-то? Где таких умных и добрых берут? Write to my e-mail address, если че!!!


link 5.05.2005 7:06 
Mizzie :))))

thank you, Academy... :))))

was glad to be of any help.


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