

link 14.06.2009 16:15 
Subject: need help.
Помогите с переводом следующих фраз и выражений., пожалуйста.

it crafted a horror experience that was both clever and deeply unsettling - инетерсует deeply unsettling.

It's paragraphs like that, waxing lyrical about just how memorable and even - whisper it - important the book was, which probably give the XXX team in Portsmouth sleepless nights. - первая часть предложения до слов книга.

having created the solid if somewhat workmanlike - ?


link 14.06.2009 16:57 
контекст нужен


link 14.06.2009 17:09 
With your question you are crafting a deeply unsettling experience for any translator who takes on helping you. It's sentences like that, ripped out of context and somewhat disconnected, which probably give many a translator sleepless nights. Having done some translation work, you might be able to realize it's next to impossible to offer you proper help translating these pieces without seeing full sentences and - whisper it - CONTEXT.


link 14.06.2009 17:22 
It looks to me like a a jigsaw puzzle. Ничего не могу понять в оригинале.


link 14.06.2009 17:35 
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/silent-hill-shattered-memories-hands-on вот контекст... весь текст не стал копировать))


link 14.06.2009 17:36 
Вики: Silent Hill: Origins, known as Silent Hill Zero in Japan, is the fifth installment in the Silent Hill survival horror series, developed by Climax Studios and published by Konami for the Sony PlayStation Portable.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Silent Hill has never been the most commercially successful series, but it's hard to overestimate how important it has been to games - and how highly regarded it is by its fans.

By ignoring B-movie zombies and endless cheap shocks in favour of an extraordinary atmosphere, memorable characters, oppressive, grinding music and a creeping sense of dread, it crafted a horror experience that was both clever and deeply unsettling.

The series reached its narrative peak in Silent Hill 2, but the first game already showed the talent behind the team's storytelling. The mystery behind Silent Hill may have been occasionally mind-bending as it unraveled, but at heart it told a story about fanaticism, suffering and revenge which worked beautifully.

It's paragraphs like that, waxing lyrical about just how memorable and even - whisper it - important Silent Hill was, which probably give the Climax team in Portsmouth sleepless nights. Charged with "re-imagining" the original Silent Hill game on the Wii, the studio has the unenviable task of updating one of the most fervently adored games of the PlayStation era.


link 14.06.2009 18:12 
solid if somewhat workmanlike - добротную, хотя и не отличающуюся оригинальностью [несколько банальную/несколько шаблонную/ничем особым не примечательную]


link 14.06.2009 18:26 
Segu, благодарю.


link 14.06.2009 18:43 
"весь текст не стал копировать)) "
Dunc, a весь текст и не нужно. Нужно было только предложение целиком и, по ситуации, одно до или после, а также указать тему.
Just like that:

Перевожу статью из геймерского e-zin'a об игре Silent Hill. Есть затруднения с парой предложений в следующих абзацах (выделено звездочками). Кому необходим текст полностью, здесь ссылка.
Помогите кто чем может, пожалуйста!

By ignoring B-movie zombies and endless cheap shocks in favour of an extraordinary atmosphere, memorable characters, oppressive, grinding music and a creeping sense of dread, *it crafted a horror experience that was both clever and deeply unsettling.* The series reached its narrative peak in Silent Hill 2, but the first game already showed the talent behind the team's storytelling.
Вот мой черновоай вариант:

... да и сама атмосфера ужаса, мастерски созданная авторами игры, брала за живое.


link 14.06.2009 18:50 
sledopyt, спасибо за помощь! в будущем учту все нарекания..


link 14.06.2009 19:03 
Именно такие реценизии - авторы которых с превелким энтузиазмом [иключительно красноречиво] живописали, насколько запоминающейся и даже (произносится благоговейным шепотом) значительной, была эта книга, стали причиной многих бессонных ночей для команды из Портсмута/заставила команду из Портсмута провести не одну бессонную ночь за разработкой концепции игры.

It's paragraphs like that, waxing lyrical about just how memorable and even - whisper it - important the book was, which probably give the XXX team in Portsmouth sleepless nights.


link 14.06.2009 19:29 
Всем, оказавшим помощь в переводе, огромное спасибо!


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