
 матур кыз

link 18.06.2009 3:12 
Subject: Please translate the phrase "усиленные сборы по различные платежи" into English for me!
The sentence, from which I have extracted this phrase, is: "Во время проведения хлебозаготовок в Сибири широко практиковались усиленные сборы с крестьян по различным платежам..." I have tentatively translated it as "intensified collections in sundry payments," but for some reason this translation feels inadequate.


link 18.06.2009 3:56 
сборы=payments, charges
платежи=payments, charges
So, loose translation:
"the peasants were heavily charged for various matters (reasons)"

 матур кыз

link 18.06.2009 6:26 
The phrase "heavily charged" sounds great, but I'm not so sure that "различные платежи" translates into "various matters" because the peasants were charged on account of withholding grain, which is no more than one reason. On the other hand, it seems that "various transactions" warrants a kind of plurality, but I think this plurality is due to the means of payment rather than various reasons for payment, so I think that "in various ways" may be the most suitable. In all reality, a "платеж" is a means or place of payment. I recall seeing "платежи" setup in the underground near kiosks for people to advance payments onto their mobile phones.Your suggestion jogged my sedentary thoughts into motion; much appreciated.


link 18.06.2009 7:16 
my point was that the phrase "различные платежи" means that several different charges for were imposed (Fex. "различные платежи: за воду, свет, отопление" - - "various payments: for water, for light, for heat")
I guess, you have more detailed context to know better.

always a pleasure...


link 18.06.2009 7:27 
try 'exactions' for "сборы" and 'pretexts' for "платежи"

 матур кыз

link 18.06.2009 7:47 
Those are clever translations indeed. Excellent. "Pretexts" gives the implementation of the policy of forced grain requisitions a malicious undertone, which is appropriate for the subject matter at hand.


link 18.06.2009 8:25 
During the campaign to build up the country's grain stocks (?) which swept across Siberia (?) in the .... ties the standard practice was to impose excessive charges on peasants in the form of a wide range of payments.


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