

link 7.10.2009 20:21 
Subject: transfer pricing resources
Пожалуйста, помогите понять фразу из приглашения на конференцию "Международное исследование в области трансфертного ценообразования 2009 г.":

We are pleased to invite you to Ernst & Young’s 2009 Global Transfer Pricing roundtables. The roundtables are interactive sessions in which participants can exchange experiences with our Ernst & Young specialists. The goal is to facilitate a lively discussion, to help you approach your challenges and have your questions answered.

These roundtables are intended to help tax and transfer pricing professionals of multinational organizations to assess the external landscape, prioritize areas of focus to achieve and maintain leading standards of transfer pricing practice. And further, as far as it is possible in an uncertain world, predict the near-term challenges you may face.

The Global Transfer Pricing Survey 2009 comprises insights gained from interviews with tax authorities and from our transfer pricing professionals around the world. As well as providing these insights, the report also identifies what transfer pricing leaders need to be doing now to navigate in this increasingly complex and challenging environment.

**Two of the key trends to discuss include:
► Tax authorities increasing their dedicated **transfer pricing resources** and improving their specialist capabilities

На конференции, в частности, планируется обсудить две ключевые тенденции:

Увеличение .. и далеее смутно..

Большое спасибо!


link 7.10.2009 23:16 
Здесь имеются в виду ресурсы (в основном людские), которые налоговые органы направляют на контроль за трансфертными ценами (точнее, на борьбу с минимизацией налогов с использованием трансфертных цен).


link 8.10.2009 5:29 
Большое спасибо!


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