

link 23.06.2005 19:51 
Subject: Годефридус Буиис
Any ideas on what this name may look like in the original? I think the person may be Swiss but the name actually looks Lithuanian, doesn't it? Either way, I need it in latin letters. Thanks in advance

 Viacheslav Volkov

link 23.06.2005 20:22 
Kath, is the guy a known person?

 Viacheslav Volkov

link 23.06.2005 20:30 
As far as recall my years in the Baltics he will go as Godefridus Buiis.


link 23.06.2005 20:32 
The problem is that the person with such a name is not mentioned in the net. is he supposed to be well-known, and if yes, in which field?

 Viacheslav Volkov

link 23.06.2005 20:35 
Look! Try to Google the guy separately. He is OK.


link 23.06.2005 20:35 
Впрочем, по-русски его тоже нет нигде в инете


link 23.06.2005 20:36 
Вячеслав, так он же не separately. Но имя есть ссылки, на фамилию тоже, а вместе - нету. Но по-русски его тоже нету.


link 23.06.2005 20:37 
НА имя, конечно же

 Viacheslav Volkov

link 23.06.2005 20:46 
No comments.Look him up separately and put him together to revive the poor Litovetc.


link 23.06.2005 21:52 
Немного контексту бы не помешало (это understatement). Почему, прежде всего, вы решили, что это литовское имя? Мне оно куда больше кажется латинизацией имени Годфруа Бульонского, в стиле гуманистов 14-15 веков.


link 23.06.2005 22:04 
Вот это случайно не ваш персонаж?

"The Dictionary of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Dutch Philosophers
Godefridus du Bois (1700-1747)


link 23.06.2005 22:12 
No, he is not a famous person. I thought that maybe someone would know how to transliterate it. I googled both together and separately, nothing remotely similar. Anyway, used the same transliteration as suggested by Viacheslav Volkov and told the client to verify. After all, they would know best. Thanks everyone.

2 Доброжеватель - it's a Debt Discharge Agreement between a Swiss company that's represented by this Годефридус Буиис.


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