

link 26.06.2005 15:42 
Subject: Сленг -
Терминология геевская. Контекст -
Down Low: The practice of men having sex with men and withholding this information from others. These men may also be having sexual relations with women who are sometimes unaware of their partners’ activities.

На сколько понимаю, этот термин отличается от MSM (Men Who Have sex with Men) - загвоздка в том, как подобрать подходящий термин в русском языке?

Буду благодарна за идеи, и если у кого есть - ссылки на словари с подобной социальной и ВИЧ-профилактической тематикой.

 prosto tak

link 26.06.2005 16:45 
ne afishiruja? skelet v shkafu?:)

The definition of down low depends on who does the defining. The term comes from the world of hip-hop and R&B music, where it means an illicit relationship. As adapted by a subculture of black men, being on the down low describes men who have sex with other men but appear straight, have relationships with women, and don't acknowledge being gay or even bisexual.


link 26.06.2005 16:56 

 Viacheslav Volkov

link 26.06.2005 18:07 
www.washprofile.org/arch0604/06.25 - sergei.html
а проще "скрытый гей" (наберите в гугле)


link 27.06.2005 0:42 
думаю можно и
латентный гомосексуалист


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