
 Михай ло

link 5.06.2010 20:56 
Subject: Female fragility med.
Which of the following are indications for IVF?
Tubal sterility...........................................................................................................................
Endometriosis ...........................................................................................................................
Female fragility .........................................................................................................................
Male hypofertility .....................................................................................................................
The wishes of the couple

текст ЭКО..


link 6.06.2010 1:50 
Что такое ЭКО?


link 6.06.2010 1:51 
Наверное, female frigidity


link 6.06.2010 2:00 
Mahavishnu - No, female "frigidity" would not neccesitate IVF.
Fragility in this case meaning that the woman could not bring a child to term or maintain a pregnancy due to certain conditions in her body as she is too fragile


link 6.06.2010 2:18 
Тогда, наверное, слабость здоровья женщины


link 6.06.2010 5:49 
астеническое, хрупкое, субтильное телосложение - фактор риска синдрома гиперстимуляции яичников


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