

link 9.03.2011 18:05 
Subject: to get much of a look-in. - идеоматическое выражение
Joe may not get much of a look-in.
Возможно у Джона не большие шансы.


link 9.03.2011 18:44 


link 9.03.2011 19:17 


link 9.03.2011 20:18 

get a look in (British & Australian informal)
to get a chance to do something that you would like to do or to succeed in something (usually negative)
Chris was so popular with the girls that whenever he was around I didn't get a look in. The other team were so much better than us. We didn't get a look in.


link 9.03.2011 20:22 
Джону не приходится рассчитывать на успех.

However, Joe Expat may not get much of a look-in. Graduates are flooding on to Asia’s job market from local universities, and Asians with degrees from Western ones are returning home.



link 10.03.2011 14:50 
Большое спасибо! Фраза была именно из этой статьи из Economist.


link 10.03.2011 15:14 
Joe ain't exactly "Джон". Джо.


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