

link 7.09.2011 19:21 
Subject: OFF: Numbers gen.
What's with the backasswards numbers in Russia? "He'll be here around 11 or 10. She is 24 or 23." Shouldn't they go up instead of down? Kinda like like heading in wrong direction. Catch my drift?


link 7.09.2011 19:35 
Valle, привет! а контекст??
эти фразы могут быть вполне оправданы - зависит от точки отсчета

he was supposed to come back from vacation on 24th.
but in fact, he is coming back as early as 22nd, or maybe even 21st.

she is not 30 yet. she is probably 27, or maybe even 25.


link 7.09.2011 19:44 
hi Valle,
quote the cause of your concern.
I believe there exist no general rules to be applied there, at least in real-life usage.


link 7.09.2011 19:49 
I's watching this Russian show. Anywho, a lady says her boss is not a commuter train to come on schedule at 12 or 11. It's like a plague, this Russian guy says " he can sell it to me for 5 or may be 4 hundred.". Why not 4 or 5, and 11 or 12. Is it just me? Can't be!


link 7.09.2011 19:52 
А я понимаю:) Это просто робкая надежда на лучший исход (русское авось). Мож., повезет, и он притащится не к 11, а даже к 10. А вдруг ей на самом деле не 30, а всего-то 27, а мож даже 25 (во здорово бы было)


link 7.09.2011 19:58 
You have one or two drinks, not two or one. Right?


link 7.09.2011 19:59 
\\ he can sell it to me for 5 or may be 4 hundred \\

this one is in line with my examples (at 22:35) ... look:
presumably for him to sell it at 5 hundred would take some good will, and to sell for 4 hundred - even more of his good will


link 7.09.2011 20:01 
it may be just a frivolous way some Russians talk. They can butch up Russian easily, to the point where the usage defies the iron logic:)) But s.wizard is also right in that it may convey a message, like "counting down for a reason". And again, we need the exact original quotes to stop guessing\generalizing and start giving your some real answers.


link 7.09.2011 20:01 
I usually take five to ten drinks at a party.
But [since I have to drive myself home] tonight, I will take two drinks. Or maybe one.


link 7.09.2011 20:04 
"5 or 4" looks natural here because a possibility to bargain the price is implied


link 7.09.2011 20:12 
Well, may be. Not convinced though. 5 or 4 just doesn't wanna "look" or feel natural.
Thank you all.
Peace out.

 Юрий Гомон

link 8.09.2011 6:36 
Normally, yes, we say "10 или 11," "23 или 24." You can't fight colloquial speech, though.

 Lonely Knight

link 8.09.2011 7:03 
Giving a range of something, the numbers usually go up. I'd say "she's 24-25". Silly.wizard +1, you can say it backwards in some cases... "She is 24 or 23" sounds strange to me, like there's some mockery or asshole humour or whatever: context needed. Even the way they pronounce it will matter here. anyway, pause after 24 is required. "She's 24. well, maybe 23." It does not sound like a natural guess of how old a person is.

 Анна Ф

link 8.09.2011 7:41 
В значении: "Он придет к 9. Может, даже к 8!" Да, надежда.
Или: "Ей 34. Ну, 33 где-то, 34".
Действительно, все так говорят.

 Lonely Knight

link 8.09.2011 7:44 
Уау, смотри, дед подъем переворотом делает! да ему лет 80! ну может 70.


link 8.09.2011 8:24 
а почему человек, указавший русский родным языком, задаёт такие идиотские вопросы?


link 8.09.2011 18:38 
Dear Vasya,
I most certainly owe you an apology. It was quite presumptuous of me to claim Russian as my native tongue. You see, my father was Russian, so here you go. I will make sure to make all the necessary corrections to my profile. Gravely, I will seek consolation in merely being American, and will keep asking stupid questions.


link 9.09.2011 7:58 
being American cannot give consolation to anyone anymore, I am afraid


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