

link 2.02.2012 10:31 
Subject: withdrew (система школьных оценок) gen.
W- Withdrew
WF - Withdrew Fall

Было предположение, что Withdrew это удален с урока. Но что тогда такое Withdrew Fall?

И правильно ли я понимаю, что Effort можно перевести как прилежание?


link 2.02.2012 11:09 

• You formally cancel your enrollment in the class

—>WITH a “W” annotated on your permanent


• AND – it’s possible that you may not be able

to retake the class. There are limitations on

repeating courses. See a counselor for details.

• You may only withdraw between the drop and the

withdrawal deadlines.

• If you are considering attending a professional

school, meet with a counselor before

withdrawing. Excessive withdrawals can impact

your acceptance to professional schools.


link 2.02.2012 11:10 
On the most basic level, a W simply means a withdrawal. It's a neutral indicator on your transcript and it isn't factored into GPA calculations. The only thing that a W can tell someone looking at your transcript is that you once registered for a course but withdrew before the deadline. A W is not the same as your "one-time-only" late cancellation.

Students withdraw from classes for hundreds of reasons that a W will never disclose. You may withdraw because you are not doing well in the course or because your work schedule changed, you are having a personal crisis, you need to leave school unexpectedly, the syllabus wasn't what you expected, you became ill, there is a problem with your instructor, you weren't aware of the registration deadlines, etc. The list goes on.

In most cases, having one or two W's on your transcript won't result in negative consequences. They usually only become problems for students when the W's begin to pile up.


link 2.02.2012 11:16 
А withdrawal mark of “WF” means s/he was failing at the time of withdrawal. точно не знаю, что сие означает)


link 2.02.2012 12:02 
Всем спасибо огромное :)
В документе оказалось просто плоъо пропечатано - конечно не Fall, а Fail


link 2.02.2012 12:05 
Deana, не умаляйте моей значимости) не всем, а только мне!))


link 2.02.2012 12:21 
Вам - особенное спасибо

 AMOR 69

link 2.02.2012 12:52 
После начала семестра у студента есть определенное время, во время которого он может "бросить" предмет без последствий для общей средней оценки и даже получить частичный возврат денег на учебу. (W)

Если студент бросил занятие после этого срока, то это уже считается завалом. (WF)


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