

link 13.09.2005 10:18 
Subject: doofus
Помогите, пожалуйста! У меня очень плохо со знанием американского сленга (а я подозреваю, это он и есть). Что такое big doofus? Может быть, многоуважаемый gogolesqui сумеет мне помочь? Thank you in advance.

 Translucid Mushroom

link 13.09.2005 10:21 
Doofus is an alternative comic by Rick Altergott about two foolish creeps, Doofus and his pal Henry Hotchkiss, and their adventures in Flowertown U.S.A. Admirers of Doofus praise it as one of the 20th century's last great humor strips.

=dimwit: a stupid incompetent person


link 13.09.2005 10:22 
Doofus is a man so dumb he thinks he's a genius.


link 13.09.2005 10:22 
Аналогично Папарацци имя собственное превратилось в нарицательное.


link 13.09.2005 10:23 
a big doofus is a big fool

you can say идиот, дурачок.... saying just dyrak will be too much (doofus is a nicer term and so dyrachok) maybe you can say "bedni moi/etot" but i dont think it is as good as dyrachok

i usually say this to my friends when they do someting kind of dumb but not that stupid


link 13.09.2005 10:24 
Т.е. "болван"? "Идиот"? "Козел", right? Премного благодарна за помощь!


link 13.09.2005 10:25 
Козел is also too strong a word....


link 13.09.2005 10:27 
Thank you. I saw your answer later than I had made my ideas! :)


link 13.09.2005 10:30 
no problem

where did you find this big doofus?


link 13.09.2005 10:32 
There are also: дурень, дуралей, балда и дурында


link 13.09.2005 15:43 


link 13.09.2005 16:09 
Дурашка. :-)


link 13.09.2005 17:46 
Thank you all! I found this big doofus in a good american fiction!


link 13.09.2005 17:49 
Кстати, а что вы скажете о переводе этого doofus'а как "комик"?

 Translucid Mushroom

link 14.09.2005 7:20 
Давайте прделожение целиком.


link 14.09.2005 7:26 
can you tell me which book you were reading?
if it is good, i would also like to read it. i miss reading normal (not bank texts) in english :)


link 14.09.2005 13:11 
to Translucid Mushroom: "если этот doofus прийдет" - вот и все предложение - это реплика в диалоге.
to gogolesque: it's Bradley Denton's book "Lunatics". Do you know this author? I suppose you read a lot of normal books in russian, don't you?


link 14.09.2005 13:14 
i have not read this one yet, but will.

and i dont read much of anything normal now.... and fiction i prefer in English (reading is always more relaxing in your native language)


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