

link 13.02.2018 21:07 
Subject: The actual ? is conducted among suppliers gen.
помогите плиз разобраться, похоже что-то пропущено

o Day-ahead market (DAM). A competitive selection of price bids of suppliers and buyers carried out by a commercial operator (ATS) one day prior to the actual electricity supplies with the definition of prices and volumes of delivery at every hour of the day. ***The actual is conducted among suppliers of each of 7 UPSs (East, Siberia, Ural, Middle Volga, South, Central and North-West)

The actual (selection/bidding?) is conducted ??



link 13.02.2018 23:03 
Yes, there's definitely a word missing after 'actual', but I've no idea what it is. Auctions, bidding, sales, meetings etc are all commonly 'conducted'. You can also 'conduct a selection', although it sounds rather cumbersome; most people would just say 'the selection is made'. However, you can say 'the selection process is conducted'.

As you don't know what the missing word is, why not just make a comment '[слово пропущено]'?

* What's a UPS/УПС?


link 13.02.2018 23:05 
Oh, I see: ЕЭС.


link 14.02.2018 5:10 
Thanks a lot!
I will highlight it and mention in the cover message
it is highly probable that the word is "selection"


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