

link 5.11.2018 16:20 
Subject: opinionated view gen.
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Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:

Spring-Boot which is build upon Spring foundation itself, takes convention over configuration to the next level by reducing the development time many-fold, enabling your projects up and running as quickly as possible.

- It takes an opinionated view by providing the commonly used dependencies out of the box, avoiding version collisions.
- If something gets in your way, you can kick it out by excluding or overriding the version of your choice.
- Do more with less code, virtually no xml envolved.
- Spring Boot apps can be run as standalone [using embedded containers] or can as well be deployed as WAR on external containers.
- Provides multiple ways to run your app : java -jar, new run goal mvn spring-boot:run or traditional WAR deployment.
- Provides out of the box, tons of production-ready non-functional features that are common to large classes of projects (e.g. embedded servers, security, metrics, health checks, externalized configuration).

Заранее спасибо

 SirReal moderator

link 5.11.2018 16:54 
Смело (делает то-то и то-то)


link 5.11.2018 18:13 

 SirReal moderator

link 5.11.2018 19:12 
решает за пользователя


link 6.11.2018 8:42 
Спасибо большое!


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