

link 16.12.2020 12:45 
Subject: by connotation
Контекст -- книга по офтальмологии, хотя не уверена, что это важно. В двух местах встречается это сочетание, например: Corneal erosion is distinguished from corneal ulcers by connotation, erosions being superficial, and typically recurrent.

Corneal ulcer is a break in continuity of corneal epithelium with exposure of underlying stroma. By connotation, the stroma is usually involved in the pathologic process.

В принципе язвы от эрозий отличаются по глубине. Что здесь означает "connotation" -- не пойму, а хотелось бы. Если кто-то поделится мыслями, буду благодарна.


link 16.12.2020 15:33 
Да что-нибудь вроде "по дополнительному признаку". Имхо.


link 16.12.2020 21:44 
Спасибо! Попробую облечь в приличную форму это все :)


link 18.12.2020 9:56 
Why don't we want our translation to look / sound as eggheaded as the original is? The quote sports a language specific to scientists, scholars, deeply digging authors and their high-flying readers. Most Anglophones hardly ever use phrases like the quoted one, about a half of them would wonder what on earth it all can mean. So come on, try to be on a par with it! Say ' коннотативно' and get a100% Russian equivalent for the eggheads. So efficient: KISS.


link 18.12.2020 12:09 
По сути, по определению, по смыслу.

Настолько просто.


link 18.12.2020 13:28 
1. 'Corneal erosion is distinguished from corneal ulcers by connotation.' = ' Corneal erosion is distinguished from corneal ulcers, which is obvious from the connotations of the term(s).'

2. ' By connotation, the stroma is usually involved in the pathologic process.' = 'As is implied in the description itself...'

IMO In the latter case the word that best suits the need is Russian 'соответственно' , perfectly blending with the context.


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