

link 9.11.2005 6:53 
Subject: on life support
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте: Technology was developed at Xerox PARC and commercialized into an industry by 3Com and many others who did well for some years, but the industry is dominated today by Cisco with 3Com on life support.

Заранее спасибо


link 9.11.2005 7:01 
life support usually means a person is hooked up to machines and devices in a hospital. without the manchines and devices the person will die.
3Com seems to be in that sort of situation figuratively --- something is keeping the company going, but it should be dead (bankrupt)


link 9.11.2005 7:10 


link 9.11.2005 7:12 
mozhet skazat' shto hramyaet 3Com ?????


link 9.11.2005 7:12 
no better to say 3Com is on its death bed (forgot exactly how to put it best in russian, but you get the point)


link 9.11.2005 7:25 

уместно ли здесь "на всякий пожарный случай" ?


link 9.11.2005 7:29 
искусственно поддерживаемая на плаву


link 9.11.2005 7:30 
i am thinking no. .....


link 9.11.2005 7:38 
а то что гого говорит:
"на смертном одре" и "подключенная к аппарату искусственного дыхания",
"при последнем издыхании"


link 9.11.2005 7:41 
agree with watchkeeper's "при последнем издыхании"
i think this will be the best way to describe it for a company


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