

link 4.12.2005 21:42 
Subject: проходить практику и стажировку
Что бы предложили уважаемые форумляне (или форумчане) для выражения
"Проходить практику и стажировку"? Предложенные Лингвой варианты не вызывают доверия...


link 5.12.2005 1:01 
I'm not sure what the latter means exactly. The closest to "Проходить практику" is probably "Being a trainee".

There is a term "resident/residency" which refers to someone who graduated with a medical degree (is a doctor) but has to undergo residency in a hospital to specialize.

When it comes to law, in the UK lawyers who have received their degrees have to go through "articles" for 2 years, trying out different seats to figure out what law they wish to practice. They are lawyers but have not yet qualified, therefore are called trainees.

There is also an "internship/being an intern", but that refers to both students and recent graduates who receive practical training.

Perhaps with context it would be easier to find something fitting.


link 5.12.2005 1:04 
to have practical training and internship


link 5.12.2005 1:08 
I agree with Kath: internship refers to both students and recent graduates who receive practical training.
A person who is a graduate or professional may have a refresher course/training


link 5.12.2005 4:35 
to be on probation?


link 5.12.2005 5:03 
probation has negative connotations


link 5.12.2005 5:22 


link 5.12.2005 6:48 
To have a hands-on course/training/practice
To have a training course, to be a trainee, to be trained in...


link 5.12.2005 16:20 
2 Santa: to be on probation = быть на "химии"...


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