

link 5.12.2005 16:10 
Subject: Sea Island
Подскажите, пож-та, что это за географический объект.


link 5.12.2005 16:15 


link 5.12.2005 16:18 


link 5.12.2005 16:20 
Контекст: Moreover, at the G8 summit at Sea Island in June, 2004 Japan agreed to host a major conference.


link 5.12.2005 16:27 
From the link I have posted above:

"In June 2004, it hosted a summit of the Group of Eight leaders. As with previous sites of the G8 meeting, the venue is remote, easily secured, and has a history of luxurious housing."


link 5.12.2005 16:38 
в прессе называют Си-Айленд

я нашла в Гугле. А Вы? :-)


link 5.12.2005 16:41 


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