

link 31.01.2006 9:18 
Subject: возникла проблема с платежной инструкцией.
Уважаемые форумчане, подскажите как правильнее перевести на английский.
"Возникли некоторые проблемы относительно your payment instructions. Our bank could not effect payments according your payment instructions , так как они не могут перечислять деньги на расчетный счет банка, а только на расчетный счет юридического лица. То есть нам необходим либо ваш счет, либо возможность заплатить непосредственно в Firstrand Bank of South Africa Limited. Или вы можете предоставить другую схему платежа.
For more clear information, please, call to our bank manager Natalia Borisovna, tel:"


link 31.01.2006 9:32 
There are some problems with your payment instructions. Our bank could not effect payments according your payment instructions , as they could not pay directly to CHASGB2L, because, according their rules they must not pay directly to bank account, only to a personal company account. So, we need YOUR account number, or possibility to pay to Firstrand Bank of South Africa Limited. Or may be you have another payment scheme.
For more clear information, please, call to our bank manager Natalia Borisovna, tel:
Вот так можно?

 Анатолий Д

link 31.01.2006 10:05 
Unfortunately, your payment instructions have caused some problems. Our bank has been unable to effect payments in accordance with your instructions because it cannot pay directly to CHASGB2L. No payment to a bank's account is possible under their rules, as payments are permitted only to a [non-banking?] legal entity's account. Therefore, we need YOUR account number or the option of paying to the Firstrand Bank of South Africa Limited. Alternatively, you may wish to suggest another arrangements for this payment. Should you need further information, do not hesitate to call our bank manager Natalia Borisovna, tel:


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