
 Angielski tezaurus - terminy dodane przez użytkownika matchin: 14

12.07.2008 21:58:51 skr. a teenager who is neither cool nor geeky, somewhere "in between" the two types inbetweener
12.07.2008 20:58:51 posp. inbetweener a teenager who is neither cool nor geeky, somewhere "in between" the two types
12.07.2008 13:19:11 skr. a person who takes up an intermediate position chiefly fig. inbetweener
12.07.2008 12:19:11 posp. inbetweener a person who takes up an intermediate position (chiefly fig.)
30.09.2007 17:31:08 skr. college bills for accommodation, meals etc. battles (оксфордский жаргон)
30.09.2007 17:27:06 skr. college-organised entertainments at Oxford i.e. bops, film nights etc. entz
30.09.2007 17:23:05 skr. someone from Cambridge University Tab (used usually by those at Oxford and often preceeded by "filthy")
30.09.2007 16:31:08 posp. battles college bills for accomodation, meals etc. (оксфордский жаргон)
30.09.2007 16:27:06 posp. entz college-organised entertainments at Oxford (i.e. bops, film nights etc.)
30.09.2007 16:23:05 posp. Tab someone from Cambridge University (used usually by those at Oxford and often preceeded by "filthy")
28.09.2007 12:33:19 skr. an idyllic place that is out of touch with reality brigadoon
28.09.2007 11:33:19 posp. brigadoon an idyllic place that is out of touch with reality
24.09.2007 0:49:29 skr. not available for fucking, meaning straight men the original meaning of the abbreviation naff (from Polari, a secret language of gay men in Britain in the middle of the 20th century)
23.09.2007 23:49:29 posp. naff not available for fucking, meaning straight men (from Polari, a secret language of gay men in Britain in the middle of the 20th century; the original meaning of the abbreviation)