מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא מיקרוסופט המכילים receipt | כל הפורומים | בדיוק
cash receiptкассовый ордер (A document used to record payments and deposits received from customers)
cash receiptкассовая квитанция (A document used to record payments and deposits received from customers)
cash receiptприходный кассовый ордер (A document used to record payments and deposits received from customers)
confirmation of receipt policyполитика подтверждения поступления (A policy that prescribes the functional location where the physical acceptance of items takes place)
confirmed receipt dateподтверждённая дата прихода (The date the selling company confirms that a customer or vendor will receive the goods)
inventory receiptприход на склад
message box delivery receiptдиалоговое окно уведомления о доставке (Windows 8 ssn)
product receiptпоступление продуктов (A source document that documents the receipt of products ordered, the receipt of products returned, or the receipt of products received on consignment)
receipt adviceуведомление о получении (A business document that documents a summary of the products a buyer receives from a vendor)
receipt dateдата приёмки (The date transferred goods are received in a warehouse. Receipt date applies to transfer orders)
receipt dateдата прихода
receipt itemполученная номенклатура (An itemized product that is received in an operations process)
receipt marginрезервное время для прихода
requested receipt dateзапрошенная дата прихода