
 English thesaurus - terms added by user raf: 346  <<

27.02.2024 23:52:33 abbr. EBRD RO Resident Office
5.02.2024 12:17:15 abbr. EBRD SCI special capital increase
15.12.2023 14:15:57 abbr. O&G, casp. ADR asset depreciation rate
23.10.2023 14:50:57 abbr. EBRD SA special account
6.06.2023 14:39:52 abbr. EBRD MAC material adverse change condition
5.06.2023 15:29:45 abbr. UK EBRD GEMM gilt-edged market maker
6.04.2023 13:02:25 abbr. EBRD TIC true interest cost
9.02.2023 20:42:28 abbr. EBRD SO sovereign operation
5.02.2023 1:47:17 abbr. EBRD POD price on demand
2.01.2023 9:30:38 abbr. EBRD DON digital overlay network
17.12.2022 18:53:26 abbr. EBRD GO general obligation
1.10.2020 17:44:31 abbr. EBRD ER exhaustible resources
1.10.2020 17:44:31 abbr. EBRD ER tender evaluation report
29.06.2020 19:20:27 abbr. O&G MTPY metric tons per year
22.03.2019 13:00:14 gen. townhall town hall
4.09.2018 14:23:35 EU. Community European Community
3.08.2018 22:01:55 beneficiary compensates principle beneficiary pays principle
28.12.2009 21:26:49 gen. Fiddling while Rome burns Fiddle while Rome burns
7.07.2009 10:22:32 abbr. med. NASH North America Society of Homeopaths
19.02.2009 8:45:57 abbr. EBRD SDC settlement and depository centre
15.01.2008 13:05:39 abbr. O&G, casp. Low Astronomic Tide LAT
15.01.2008 12:05:39 abbr. O&G, casp. LAT Low Astronomic Tide
15.01.2008 11:48:01 O&G, casp. lightship lightboat
15.01.2008 11:47:53 abbr. O&G, casp. SPSO submersible production, storage and offload
15.01.2008 11:46:59 O&G, casp. Z-drive azimuthing thruster
15.01.2008 11:46:40 abbr. O&G, casp. DJF Deepwater Jackets Factory
15.01.2008 11:46:28 abbr. O&G, casp. WSOG well-specific operational guidelines
15.01.2008 11:45:36 abbr. O&G, casp. LMRP lower marine riser package
15.01.2008 11:43:40 abbr. O&G, casp. MWL mean water level
15.12.2007 21:20:55 abbr. O&G, casp. CDTM control deep towed method
27.07.2006 18:18:47 abbr. championship c'ship
27.07.2006 17:18:47 gen. c'ship championship
27.07.2006 17:11:24 gen. take somebody to task call somebody to task
7.06.2006 12:21:32 abbr. O&G EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
9.12.2005 20:20:53 abbr. OBO ship oil/bulk/ore carrier
9.12.2005 20:19:21 abbr. LASH- carrier lighters aboard ship-carrier
1.11.2005 20:52:49 abbr. O&G, casp. synthetic flexible hose synflex hose
1.11.2005 20:02:57 abbr. SPM control valve subsea plate mounted control valve
1.11.2005 19:52:49 O&G, casp. synflex hose synthetic flexible hose
1.11.2005 19:31:40 abbr. KR valve Koomey regulator valve
26.10.2005 21:12:55 abbr. manag. Flexibility, Information, Gumption, Harmony, Team-spirit FIGHT (сокр.)
26.10.2005 21:07:27 abbr. manag. сокр. SWOT analysis strength, weakness, opportunity, threats
26.10.2005 20:12:55 abbr. manag. FIGHT Flexibility, Information, Gumption, Harmony, Team (сокр.; -spirit)
26.10.2005 20:07:27 abbr. сокр. SWOT analysis strength, weakness, opportunity, threats
17.09.2005 9:42:56 abbr. econ. FPC free carrier named point
11.09.2005 21:05:38 EBRD GSP Generalized System of Preferences
3.03.2005 16:54:12 abbr. town hall townhall
1.12.1999 11:00:00 abbr. EBRD Generalized System of Preferences GSP (АД)
abbr. O&G, casp. AB able body
abbr. EBRD ACCR Annual Credit Review Report
abbr. EBRD AEOR Annual Evaluation Overview Report
abbr. O&G, casp. AHT anchor handling tug
abbr. O&G, casp. AHTS anchor handling /tug/ supply vessel
abbr. EBRD AMR annual monitoring report
abbr. O&G, casp. APRT advance petroleum revenue tax
abbr. EBRD APY annual percentage yield
abbr. EBRD ASC agricultural service company
abbr. EBRD ATR acid test ratio
O&G, casp. bara bar absolute
O&G, casp. barg bar gauge
abbr. EBRD BD Banking Department
abbr. O&G, casp. BFCC biofouling and corrosion control
abbr. O&G, casp. BKB below kelly bushing
abbr. EBRD BOLD Board On Line Documents
abbr. EBRD BP Board package
abbr. O&G, casp. BPO before payout
abbr. EBRD BRU bank review unit
abbr. EBRD BSTDB Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
abbr. EBRD BUA budgetary unit account
abbr. O&G, casp. BVO bulk volume oil
abbr. EBRD CADS cash available for debt service
abbr. EBRD CCGT combined cycle gas turbine power plant
abbr. O&G, casp. CCPG combined cycle power generation
abbr. O&G, casp. CGS concrete gravity structure
abbr. EBRD CHC closely held corporation
abbr. EBRD CLC commercial letter of credit
abbr. nautic. CONBULKER container/bulk carrier
abbr. EBRD CSV cash surrender value
abbr. O&G, casp. CTM custody transfer meter
abbr. O&G, casp. CVP capital value process
abbr. EBRD D questionable value
abbr. EBRD DBFO design-build-finance-operate
abbr. EBRD DBR detailed billing report
abbr. O&G, casp. DHFC down hole flow control
abbr. EBRD DIF Direct Investment Facility
abbr. O&G, casp. DLE dry low emission
abbr. EBRD DPR detailed project report
abbr. O&G, casp. DPS diverse path shutdown system
abbr. EBRD DRIP dividend reinvestment plan
abbr. EBRD DSO days sales outstanding
abbr. EBRD DSR debt service ratio
abbr. O&G, casp. DSR damaged strength ratio
abbr. O&G, casp. DSV diver support vessel
abbr. O&G, casp. DVR daily volumetric report
abbr. O&G, casp. DW deep water
O&G, casp. E&P Forum Oil Industry International Exploration and Production Forum
abbr. EBRD EA Europe Agreement
abbr. EBRD EAP environmental action plan
abbr. O&G, casp. ECEWP early civil engineering works program
abbr. EBRD ECLAT export credit loan arrangement technique

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