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Terms for subject Obsolete / dated (119 entries)
tire ayollar bosh kiyimi
to deport oneself o‘zini biror tarzda tutmoq
to mend like sour ale in summer "yozdagi achchiq pivodek yaxshilanmoq"
to mend like sour ale in summer demak
to mend like sour ale in summer yana ham yomonlashmoq
wench fohisha
wench buzuq
wench g‘ar (qiz bola haqida)
wench buzuqlik (axloqsizlik) qilmoq
wench yomon (sayoq yurmoq)
wench fahshga berilmoq
wise usul
wise yo‘sin
wise tarz
wise taxlit
wise ravish
wise tariqa
wit bilmoq
wit xabardor bo‘lmoq
wit voqif bo‘lmoq