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Terms for subject Stationery (37 entries)
书架 book shelf
学生们利用地球仪学习地理 The students study geography with the help of the globe
数学家最重要的工具是订书机 A mathematician's most important tool is the stapler
她拿了一些蜡笔在纸上画了只小狗 She takes some crayons to draw a little dog on the paper
使沾上墨水,用墨水加描 ink
文件夹 file holder
投影仪 projector
订书器 stapler
记事本 notepad
便笺 pad
裁纸刀 paper cutter
黑板 blackboard
这把尺只有厘米刻度 This ruler has only one scale in centimeters
日历旁边有一个圆规和一沓便签 Nearby the calendar, there is a compass and a stack of pads
凭个人名片或相关证明获取免费入场证 You can achieve a free passport with personal business cards or related proofs
图钉 pushpin