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Terms for subject Clothing (391 entries)
服装搭配 clothing matching
后搭前 back cover front
后裆 back rise
后胸阔 back cross
明线,面缝线迹 top stitch
夏装 summer wear
小洞针织疵点 duck eye
小肩长 small shoulder
唐装 Chinese costume of the Tang dynasty
唐装曾风靡一时 Chinese costumes of the Tang dynasty once were very popular
成品熨烫 top pressing
休闲袜 casual socks
少女小号的 junior petite
我不能说出春装和秋装的区别 I can't tell the difference between spring wear and autumn wear
我在找一条单色短裙 I'm looking for a solid color skirt
我裤子上的松紧带坏了 The elastic in my pants has gone
我们用别针将衬衣固定在纸板上 Clips are used to fix the shirt on the paperboard
我们手头现有一些新的呢绒产品 We have some new woolen goods on hand
我们的服装是拥有合格证的高质产品 Our clothing is high-qualified products with certification
我们应首先测量胸围、腰围和臀围丰满部位 We should record the circumference of the bust, waist and hip (fuller part) firstly