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Terms for subject Rugby football (1729 entries)
持球跑5米 run 5 metres with ball
持球跑动进攻 runback
持球跑进 scramble
持球进攻队员 ball carrier
持球进攻队员 runner
持球触地得分 down (ground) the ball
持球触地 touchdown
持球触地得分 try
持球触地得分 try for point after touchdown
持球触人 touch
持续不断地扭斗争球 prolonged wrestling for the ball
持续攻向对方球门 march
持续进攻 march
码线 yard line
码线员 yardman
搂抱回旋 wheel
七锋八卫制 seven eighth
七前锋制 seven forwards
七人制橄榄球 7-a-side football
七人制橄榄球 7-a-side rugby