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Terms for subject Biology (457 entries)
bandeja de incubación hatching tray
batavia tweeled cloth chizhi­kchi
batea de cerdo Von Bayer trough
batea de cerdo pig trough
batea de criadero hatchery trough
batea von bayer Von Bayer trough
batea von bayer pig trough
biodiversidad vegetal plant biodiversity
bioeconomía bioeconomics
biólisis biolysis
biología celular cellular biology
biológicamente sobreexplotada biologically overfished
biomasa cortada density of tree biovolume
biomasa cortada density of biovolume
biomasa cortada fellings biomass
bionfalaria biomphalaria
biotipo Eltor biotype eltor
bitartrato de potasio tartar emetic
blastodermo germinal disc
blastodermo blastodisc