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Terms for subject Food industry (1034 entries)
aċidu ortofosforiku monophosphoric acid
aċidu ortofosforiku orthophosphoric acid
aċidu ortofosforiku phosphoric acid
aċidu sorbiku E200
aċidu sorbiku sorbic acid
aċidu xaħmi tal-esteri tal-poligliċerin polyglycerin esters of fatty acid esters
aċidu xaħmi tal-esteri tal-poligliċerin polyglycerol fatty acid esters
aċidu xaħmi tal-esteri tal-poligliċerin polyglycol esters of fatty acids
aċidu xaħmi trans TFA
aċidu xaħmi trans trans fat
aċidu xaħmi trans trans fatty acid
aġent kontra r-ragħwa anti-foaming agent
aġent kontra r-ragħwa antifoaming agent
aġenti tal-ipproċessar processing aids
alfa-idrossitoluwen alpha-hydroxytoluene
alfa-idrossitoluwen benzenemethanol
alfa-idrossitoluwen benzyl alcohol
alfa-idrossitoluwen phenylcarbinol
alfa-idrossitoluwen phenylmethanol
alfa-idrossitoluwen phenylmethyl alcohol