
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Nailya: 9

28.07.2007 17:52:46 abbr. med. NAI neuraminidase antibody inhibition
3.02.2007 19:18:31 abbr. med. SGOT serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase
22.07.2006 16:00:55 abbr. adv. American Enterprise Institute AEI
22.07.2006 15:00:55 abbr. adv. AEI American Enterprise Institute
28.06.2006 12:45:41 abbr. formerly known as f/k/a
28.06.2006 11:45:41 gen. f/k/a formerly known as
30.05.2006 9:28:52 abbr. med. BV bacterial vaginosis
23.07.2005 21:50:56 abbr. law Department for Execution of Punishments DEP
23.07.2005 20:50:56 abbr. law DEP Department for Execution of Punishments