
Terms containing MS | all forms | exact matches only
acrid.g / m³اختصار يشير إلى "جرام لكل متر مكعب جم/م3
forestr.m³ u.b.حجم الحطب باستثناء اللِّحاء
IMF.M1, M2, etc.ن ١، ن ٢، إلخ
IMF.M1, M2, etc.مجمل نقدي
comp., MSMS-DOS iconرمز MS-DOS (The icon at the left end of the title bar. Clicking this icon displays the System menu for the MS-DOS window)
comp., MSMS-DOS operating systemنظام تشغيل MS-DOS (A Microsoft computer operating system with a command-line interface that is used to control many internal computer functions, such as running programs and organizing and maintaining files)
comp., MSMS-DOS promptموجّه MS-DOS (The visual indication from the MS-DOS command processor that the operating system is ready to accept a new command. The default DOS prompt is a path followed by a greater-than sign (for example, C:>); the user can also design a custom prompt with the PROMPT command)
comp., MSMS-DOS-based programبرنامج مبني على MS-DOS (A program that is designed to run with MS-DOS and therefore may not be able to take full advantage of all Windows features)
genet.MS lineخط العقم الذكرى
wood.stacked m3حجم كومة الحطب الظاهرية