
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Character | all forms | exact matches only
agent characterpersonagem Microsoft Agent (An interactive animated character who guides users through Windows Welcome. The character interacts with the user in ways similar to the natural aspects of human social communication. Characters can respond by using synthesized speech, recorded audio, or text in a cartoon word balloon)
agent characterpersonagem agente (An interactive animated character who guides users through Windows Welcome. The character interacts with the user in ways similar to the natural aspects of human social communication. Characters can respond by using synthesized speech, recorded audio, or text in a cartoon word balloon)
ANSI character setconjunto de caracteres ANSI (An 8-bit character set used by Microsoft Windows that allows you to represent up to 256 characters (0 through 255) by using your keyboard. The ASCII character set is a subset of the ANSI set)
ASCII character setconjunto de caracteres ASCII (A standard 7-bit code for representing ASCII characters using binary values; code values range from 0 to 127. Most PC-based systems use an 8-bit extended ASCII code, with an extra 128 characters used to represent special symbols, foreign-language characters, and graphic symbols)
base charactercaractere base (A character that has meaning independent of other characters, or any graphical character that is not a diacritical mark)
base charactercaráter de base (A character that has meaning independent of other characters, or any graphical character that is not a diacritical mark)
character cellcélula do caractere (A rectangular block of pixels that represents the space in which a given character is drawn on the screen. Computer displays use different numbers of pixels as character cells. Character cells are not always the same size for a given font, however; for proportionally spaced fonts, such as those commonly displayed on the Apple Macintosh, the height within a given font remains the same, but the width varies with each character)
character codecódigo de caractere (A numeric value that corresponds to a particular character in a set)
character datadados de caractere (All the textual content of an element or attribute that is not markup. XML differentiates this plain text from binary data. In the XML OM, character data is stored in text nodes, which are implemented as DOM text objects)
character definition tabletabela de definição de caracteres (A table of patterns that a computer can hold in memory and use as a reference for determining the arrangement of dots used to create and display bitmapped characters on the screen)
character densitydensidade de caracteres (In printing or screen display, a measure of the number of characters per unit of area or of linear distance)
character devicedispositivo de caracteres (A computer device, such as a keyboard or printer, that receives or transmits information as a stream of characters, one character at a time. The characters can be transferred either bit by bit (serial transmission) or byte by byte (parallel transmission) but are not moved from place to place in blocks (groups of bytes))
character entityentidade de caracteres (A code that's used in HTML to describe symbols, international letters, and other special characters. Character entities are maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO))
character formattingformatação de caracteres (Formatting you can apply to selected text characters)
Character MapMapa de Caracteres (A feature in Windows that makes it possible to use characters that are not displayed on the keyboard)
character mapmapa de caracteres (In text-based computer graphics, a block of memory addresses that correspond to character spaces on a display screen. The memory allocated to each character space is used to hold the description of the character to be displayed in that space)
Character MapMapa de Carateres (A feature in Windows that makes it possible to use characters that are not displayed on the keyboard)
character modemodo de caracteres (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
character modemodo de carateres (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
character padpainel de caracteres (The pad in Tablet PC Input Panel that you can use to write one character (such as a letter, number, or symbol) at a time. Each character is converted into typed text)
character rectangleretângulo de caractere (The space taken up by the graphical representation (bit map) of a character)
character setconjunto de caracteres (A grouping of alphabetic, numeric, and other characters that have some relationship in common. For example, the standard ASCII character set includes letters, numbers, symbols, and control codes that make up the ASCII coding scheme)
character spacingespaçamento entre caracteres (The distance between characters in a line of text. Tracking, kerning, and scaling can be used to adjust the space between characters)
character stringcadeia de caracteres (A set of characters treated as a unit and interpreted by a computer as text rather than numbers. A character string can contain any sequence of elements from a given character set, such as letters, numbers, control characters, and extended ASCII characters)
character styleestilo de caractere (A combination of any of the character formatting options identified by a style name)
characters per secondcaracteres por segundo (A measure of the rate at which a device, such as a disk drive, can transfer data. In serial communications, the speed of a modem in bits per second can generally be divided by 10 for a rough determination of the number of characters per second transmitted)
characters per second A measure of the rate at which a device, such as a disk drive, can transfer data. In serial communications, the speed of a modem in bits per second can generally be divided by 10 for a rough determination of the number of characters per second transmittedcarateres por segundo (CPS)
combining charactercaractere sem espaçamento (A character, such as diacritic, that has no meaning by itself, but overlaps a base character to modify it)
composite charactercaractere composto (A text element consisting of a base character and a diacritic or accent mark. Although most common in the Latin script, other scripts (including Greek, Devanagari, and Tamil) also have composite characters)
composite charactercaráter composto (A text element consisting of a base character and a diacritic or accent mark. Although most common in the Latin script, other scripts (including Greek, Devanagari, and Tamil) also have composite characters)
control charactercaractere de controle (A character that is inserted in right-to-left and mixed text to specify the formatting of text when the inherent directionality of the text is insufficient to display expected results)
double byte character setconjunto de caracteres de dois bytes (A character set that can use more than one byte to represent a single character. A DBCS includes some characters that consist of 1 byte and some characters that consist of 2 bytes. Languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean use DBCS)
double-byte characterscaracteres de dois bytes (A set of characters in which each character is represented by two bytes. Some languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, require double-byte character sets)
double-byte characterscarateres de byte duplo (A set of characters in which each character is represented by two bytes. Some languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, require double-byte character sets)
escape charactercaractere de escape (A single character that suppresses any special meaning of the character that follows it)
extended charactercaractere estendido (Any of the 128 additional characters in the extended ASCII (8-bit) character set. These characters include those in several non-English languages, such as accent marks, and special symbols used for creating pictures)
extended charactercaráter expandido (Any of the 128 additional characters in the extended ASCII (8-bit) character set. These characters include those in several non-English languages, such as accent marks, and special symbols used for creating pictures)
four character codecódigo de quatro caracteres (A 32-bit unsigned integer that is created by concatenating four ASCII characters to identify a data format)
four character codecódigo de quatro carateres (A 32-bit unsigned integer that is created by concatenating four ASCII characters to identify a data format)
half-width charactercaractere de meia largura (In a double-byte character set, a character that is represented by one byte and typically has a full-width variant)
icon characterpersonagem de ícone (The animated icon from the Help and Support Center that guides users through their first-run experience or Windows Welcome)
identifier type charactercaractere de identificação de tipo (" A character that that forces a literal to assume a data type other than the one its form indicates. You do this by appending the character to the end of the literal. For example, "%" forces the Integer data type of the literal "L" in the following declaration: Dim L%.")
leader charactercaractere de preenchimento (A dot, hyphen, or other character used to create a line that fills the space before a tab stop)
list-separator charactercaractere separador de lista (A character, usually a comma or semicolon, that separates elements in a list)
literal type charactercaractere de tipo literal (A textual representation of a particular value of a data type. For example, 2147483647 represents a value of integer data type)
magnetic ink character recognitionreconhecimento de caracteres em tinta magnética (A character recognition system for reading and processing data that uses special inks and characters)
magnetic ink character recognition linelinha de reconhecimento de caracteres em tinta magnética (A line of characters that is encoded with a special type of ink that can be magnetized and then translated into characters. MICR lines are used on bank checks to identify the bank, account, and check)
MAHJONG TILE ONE OF CHARACTERSMAHJONG TILE ONE OF CHARACTERS (The Unicode character U+1F007, which represents a Mahjong tile)
multibyte character setconjunto de caracteres multibyte (A mixed-width character set, in which some characters consist of more than 1 byte. An MBCS is used in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, where the 256 possible values of a single-byte character set are not sufficient to represent all possible characters)
multibyte character setconjunto de carateres de múltiplos bytes (A mixed-width character set, in which some characters consist of more than 1 byte. An MBCS is used in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, where the 256 possible values of a single-byte character set are not sufficient to represent all possible characters)
neutral charactercaractere neutro (A character that does not have strong right-to-left or left-to-right language attributes)
new line charactercaractere de nova linha (A control character that causes the cursor on a display or the printing mechanism on a printer to move to the beginning of the next line)
non-printable charactercaractere não imprimível (A character used to control the format of displayed or printed information, rather than to represent a particular letter, digit, or other special character. The space () is one of the more important nonprinting characters)
non-printable charactercaráter não imprimível (A character used to control the format of displayed or printed information, rather than to represent a particular letter, digit, or other special character. The space () is one of the more important nonprinting characters)
nonprinting charactercaractere não imprimível (A character used to control the format of displayed or printed information, rather than to represent a particular letter, digit, or other special character. The space () is one of the more important nonprinting characters)
non-spacing charactercaractere sem espaçamento (A character, such as diacritic, that has no meaning by itself, but overlaps a base character to modify it)
non-spacing charactercaráter de não espaçamento (A character, such as diacritic, that has no meaning by itself, but overlaps a base character to modify it)
null charactercaractere nulo (" A character code with a null value; literally, a character meaning "nothing." Although it is real in the sense of being recognizable, occupying space internally in the computer, and being sent or received as a character, a NUL character displays nothing, takes no space on the screen or on paper, and causes no specific action when sent to a printer. In ASCII, NUL is represented by the character code 0. ")
optical character recognitionreconhecimento óptico de caracteres (A method of translating images of printed text into machine-encoded text)
optical character recognition linelinha de reconhecimento óptico de caracteres (A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text)
ordinary charactercaractere comum (In regular expressions, any valid character that does not have a special meaning in the current regular expression grammar)
pattern-matching charactercaractere de correspondência de padrões (A keyboard character that can be used to represent one or many characters when conducting a query)
precomposed charactercaractere pré-composto (A single character that represents a sequence of characters, usually a combination of a base character and one or more diacritics)
precomposed charactercaráter pré-composto (A single character that represents a sequence of characters, usually a combination of a base character and one or more diacritics)
private charactercaractere particular (A character created by the user)
Private Character EditorEditor de Caracteres Particulares (An editor that allows the user to create and manage private characters)
reserved charactercaractere reservado (A keyboard character that has a special meaning to a program and, as a result, normally cannot be used in assigning names to files, documents, and other user-generated tools, such as macros. Characters commonly reserved for special uses include the asterisk (*), forward slash (/), backslash (\), question mark (?), and vertical bar (|))
separator charactercaractere separador (A character you choose to indicate where you want text to separate when you convert a table to text, or where you want new rows or columns to begin when you convert text to a table)
single-byte character setconjunto de caracteres de um byte (A character encoding in which each character is represented by 1 byte. Single byte character sets are mathematically limited to 256 characters)
single-byte character set A character encoding in which each character is represented by 1 byte. Single byte character sets are mathematically limited to 256 charactersSBCS (Single-Byte Character Set)
space charactercaractere de espaço (A character that is entered by pressing the SPACEBAR on the keyboard and that typically appears on the screen as a blank space)
spacing charactercaractere de espaçamento (A character with a non-zero width)
spacing charactercaráter de espaçamento (A character with a non-zero width)
special charactercaractere especial (A character that is not found on your keyboard and must be inserted from within the software or by pressing a combination of keys on your keyboard)
special charactercaráter especial (A character that is not found on your keyboard and must be inserted from within the software or by pressing a combination of keys on your keyboard)
strong password (A password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. A strong password is at least eight characters long, does not contain all or part of the user's account name, and contains at least three of the four following categories of characters: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols found on the keyboard (such as !,senha forte
strong password (A password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. A strong password is at least eight characters long, does not contain all or part of the user's account name, and contains at least three of the four following categories of characters: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols found on the keyboard (such as !,palavra-passe segura
tab charactercaractere de tabulação (A character used to align lines and columns on screen and in print. Although a tab is visually indistinguishable from a series of blank spaces in most programs, the tab character and the space character are different to a computer. A tab is a single character and therefore can be added, deleted, or overtyped with a single keystroke)
Universal Character SetUniversal Character Set (An international standard character set reference that is part of the Unicode standard. The most widely held existing version of the UCS standard is UCS-2, which specifies 16-bit character values currently accepted and recognized for use to encode most of the world's languages)
Universal Character SetConjunto de Carateres Universal (An international standard character set reference that is part of the Unicode standard. The most widely held existing version of the UCS standard is UCS-2, which specifies 16-bit character values currently accepted and recognized for use to encode most of the world's languages)
unsafe charactercaractere desprotegido (A character in a URL that may be altered during transport across the Internet)
white-space charactercaractere de espaço em branco (" Any characters that can be found between words - this includes space (" "), newline (carriage return in combination with line feed), and the tab character.")
wide charactercaractere largo (A 2-byte multilingual character code)
wildcard charactercaractere curinga (A keyboard character that can be used to represent one or many characters when conducting a query)
wildcard charactercaráter universal (A keyboard character that can be used to represent one or many characters when conducting a query)