
Terms for subject Desert science containing A | all forms | exact matches only
A-erh-chin shan-mo阿尔金山荒漠
A horizonA 淋溶层
A horizonA 表土层
A horizonA 层
alluvial fan at the foot of a volcano火山麓冲积扇
atmospheric air flow over a mountain area越岭气流
average depth of ice at a cross section断面平均冰厚
average flow velocity at a cross section断面平均流速
average ice compaction at a cross section断面平均疏密度
average ice flow velocity at a cross section断面平均冰速
average sediment concentration at a cross section断面平均含沙量
average sediment discharge in unit width at a cross section断面平均单宽输沙率
average water depth at a cross section断面平均水深
canal at the foot of a levee堤脚渠道
codes of hydrographic net of a basin流域水系码
creature of a day蜉蝣
creature of a day短命植物
devil in a bush黑种草
dhel'a猪背岭 (复数: dhlou, 撒哈拉)
dra'a固定沙丘 (毛里塔尼亚,风成沙堆积可分沙纹 (sand ripple)、沙丘 (dune) 和大沙波 (large sand-wave) 三类。有些学者把大沙波称作 dra'a。据在秘鲁普尔-普尔沙丘 (Pur-Pur dune) 地区观测、dra'a每年前移45cm、叠置在上面的普通新月形沙丘每年前移9m。在撒哈拉地区, dra'a多指高达100〜200m以上的巨型沙体,一般不向前移动,多为古老沙丘、甚至在迈尔祖格沙漠地区的 dra'a 一般应译为综合纵向沙垄或复合纵向沙垄,很少指横向沙垄)
dra'a谷间丘陵 (撒哈拉)
earth pressure against a wall壁面土压
effective capacity of a reservoir有效蓄水库容
embankment along the borders of a water reserve area围堤
fitting a curve曲线拟合
form factor of a basin流域形状参数
human behavior during a disaster灾害时人的行为
inundation inside a levee堤内积水
love in a mist黑种草
love in a puff倒地铃
maximum flow velocity at a cross-section断面最大流速
mean width of a basin流域平均宽度
meander of a river河曲
mile a minute vine类扁豆 (藤本植物)
mile-a-minute vine类扁豆
plant population of a region植物区域种群
recession of a shoreline海岸线后退
restoration after a disaster灾后恢复
retarding basin in a channel河道滞洪区
setting-back of a levee防护堤的下埋部分
skip-a-day feeding隔日饲喂法
spread of a fire火灾蔓延
synthetic control of a reservoir水库综合管理
total floor area of a building总建筑面积
vesicular A horizon胞囊状 A 层
vitamin A抗感染维生素
vitamin A抗眼干燥症维生素
vitamin A促生长维生素
vitamin A维生素A
Zizyphus amphibian A. Chev圣刺枣 (伊朗固沙造林植物)