
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing cattle | all forms | exact matches only
Africander cattle南非瘤牛品种南非
American Cattle Association美国养牛协会
American Dairy Cattle美国乳用牛美国乳用种。1936年成立品种协会,凡符合生产性能标准者,不限品种都可登记
American Dexter Cattle Association美国德克斯特牛协会
American Jersey Cattle Club美国娟姗牛协作组
atypical interstitial pneumonia of cattle牛非典型间质性肺炎牛急性肺气肿
Australian cattle dog澳大利亚随从犬
Australian cattle dog蓝色随从犬
Australian cattle dog画眉犬
Australian cattle dog澳大利亚牧牛犬
automatic cattle feeder自动喂料器
Ayrshire cattle爱尔夏牛苏格兰
beef cattle肉用牛
beef cattle肉牛
beef cattle菜牛
beef cattle肉用家畜
beef cattle husbandry肉牛业
Beef Cattle Improvement Association肉牛改良协会
biological cattle meat生态牛肉
bluetongue-like disease of cattle牛类蓝舌病茨城病
breed cattle种畜
British Cattle Breeders' Club英国牛育种者协作组
British Friesian Cattle Society英国黑白花牛学会
broken wind of cattle牛喘病
Brown Alpine cattle高山褐牛品种
Brown Alpine cattle瑞士褐牛高山品种
Brown Swiss cattle alpine breed高山褐牛品种
Brown Swiss cattle alpine breed瑞士褐牛高山品种
Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association瑞士褐牛育种者协会
Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' Association瑞士褐牛育种者协会
butcher cattle肉用畜
butcher fat of cattle牛鲜脂肪
caliper for measuring cattle家畜测量器
canner grade cattle罐头用等级牛
cattle actinomycosis大颌病
cattle actinomycosis牛放线菌病
cattle attendant牲畜船的饲养员
cattle biting fly牛血 (Haematobia stimulans (Meigen))
cattle biting louse牛虱 (Bovicola bovis (Linnaeus))
cattle botfly牛胃蝇 (Bovicola bovis)
cattle breed牛种
cattle breed牛育种
cattle breed牛品种
cattle breeder牛的育种者
cattle breeding家畜育种
cattle breeding家畜饲养
cattle breeding饲养业
cattle breeding牛育种
cattle-breeding centre育牛中心
cattle breeds牛品种
cattle buildings畜舍
cattle cake家畜饲用饼
cattle car家畜运输车厢
cattle casing cleaning machine牛肠衣刮洗机
cattle catcher捉母牛器
cattle catcher捉牛器
cattle chewing louse牛嚼
cattle chip干牛粪在牧区作燃料用
cattle chute牛饮水槽
cattle chute喂牛滑槽
cattle clipper剪牛毛机
cattle corridor牛道
cattle corridor牲畜廊道
cattle country养牛国
cattle country养牛区
cattle cover遮荫林草原上供牛遮荫的树木,多指大的灌丛
cattle development养牛业开发
cattle dip浸泡池
cattle dip浸渍槽
cattle dog牧牛犬
cattle drinking bowl牛饮水器
cattle dung牛粪
cattle enzootic encephalomyelitis牛地方流行性脑脊髓炎
cattle equivalent牛当量将各种年龄、体格大小的家畜折合成一头成年母牛所需饲料计算其饲料消耗量,以便比较
cattle farcy牛皮疽
cattle fattening feed牛的肥育饲料
cattle feed饲料
cattle feed concentrates精饲料
cattle feed concentrates动物精饲料
cattle feeder牛饲料分送器
cattle feeding operation肉用牛饲养企
cattle-fever tick环节方头蜱 (Boophilus annulatus)
cattle fittings牲畜运输装置
cattle fittings甲板上的牲畜栏
cattle follicle mite牛蠕形螨 (Demodex bovis Stiles)
cattle food家畜饲料
cattle foot washing machine牛腿清洗机
cattle for rearing育成牛
cattle from a different family of the same breed同种不同科的牛
cattle grade家畜等级标准
cattle grass两耳草热带牧草; Paspalum conjugatum Bergius
cattle grid道路上的防畜栏
cattle grooming machine牛体刷拭吸尘器
cattle groups牛分组
cattle grub牛皮蝇幼虫
cattle guard防畜护栏
cattle guard防畜设备
cattle hair牛毛
cattle head dehorner去牛角器
cattle head inspection truck牛头检验车
cattle head splitting machine劈牛头机
cattle head splitting machine牛头劈开机
cattle herb牛群
cattle hoisting windlass牛胴体卷扬机
cattle house家畜舍
cattle improvement牛的改良
cattle in confinement圈养牛
cattle inventory cycle牛存栏周期
cattle itch mite牛疥螨 (Sarcoptes scabiei bovis Obin.)
cattle judging牛鉴别
cattle keeping养畜学
cattle leader牵牛棍
cattle leader牵牛棒
cattle leukaemia牛白血病
cattle lice牛虱 (Anoplura)
cattle loading ramp牲畜装卸斜坡台
cattle louse牛畜虱 (Damalinia bovis Linnè)
cattle maggot牛皮蝇幼虫
cattle maintenance牛维持
cattle man牲畜船的饲养员
cattle management家畜饲养管理
cattle management牛的饲养管理
cattle mange mite牛蠕形螨 (Demodex bovis Stiles)
cattle manure牛粪
cattle market菜牛市场
cattle numbers牛存栏数
cattle numbers牛头数
cattle numbers种牛
cattle on hoof牛存栏数
cattle on the hoof活牛
cattle-operated water pump畜力驱动引水泵
cattle overfinishing饲养过肥
cattle paunch content牲畜胃内容物
cattle pen牲畜圈
cattle per hour每小时斩牛头数
cattle plague牛瘟病原:一种RNA 病毒
cattle plague牛瘟
cattle poisoning sawfly毒牛桉叶蜂
cattle population牛存栏数
cattle population牛头数
cattle population牛头数
cattle population种牛
cattle product牛产品
cattle production牛生产
cattle production cycles菜牛生产周期
cattle raising养牛
cattle ranch美牧区牛场
cattle rearing牛的饲养
cattle rearing养牛业
cattle rest家畜宰前休息
cattle route牛行走路线
cattle route牛线路
cattle route家畜行走路线
cattle route动物行走路线
cattle run供牛数
cattle salt饲料盐
cattle saltbush沙滨藜藜科半灌木.为北美干旱地区重要饲用植物 (Atriplex polycarpa)
cattle scab mite牛痒螨 (Psoroptes communis bovis Herig)
cattle shackle吊牛链条
cattle shackle吊牛用挂钩
cattle shed
cattle shed牛棚
cattle skinning cradle剥牛皮用支架
cattle snout牛嘴唇
cattle stock牲畜总头数
cattle stock牛头数
cattle stock牛存栏数
cattle stock种牛
cattle tail louse牛尾盲虱 (Haematopinus quadripertusus Fahrenholz)
cattle terrace母牛过路通道
cattle terrace牛过路通道
cattle tick牛蜱 (Boophilus annulatus (Say))
cattle tick具环方头蜱
cattle tick fever牛双芽焦虫病
cattle tick fever牛蜱热
cattle track家畜行走路线
cattle track牛行走路线
cattle track牛线路
cattle track动物行走路线
cattle track erosion畜道侵蚀
cattle trader牛贸易者
cattle trader and butcher牛贸易者和屠宰者
cattle trail家畜行走路线
cattle trail牛行走路线
cattle trail牛线路
cattle trail动物行走路线
cattle trailer运畜挂车
cattle trailer家畜挂车
cattle transport lorry牲畜运送车
cattle transport lorry家畜运输车
cattle transporter载牛货车
cattle transporter牛运输车辆
cattle transporter载牛卡车
cattle truck牛运输车辆
cattle truck牲畜运输车
cattle truck家畜运送车
cattle truck载牛货车
cattle truck载牛卡车
cattle unit牛单位
cattle used for milking and for meat乳肉兼用牛
cattle waggon运牲畜车厢
cattle wagon载牛货车
cattle wagon运牲畜车厢
cattle wagon牛运输车辆
cattle wagon载牛卡车
cattle waste家畜排泄物
cattle weigher桥秤
cattle weigher牛称重器
cattle weigher牲畜秤
cattle weigher地秤
cattle weighing unit牛称重装置
cattle yak犏牛牦牛与黄牛的杂种
cattle yearlong牛年单位一头牛一年所需饲料量
Chad beef cattle乍得肉牛
charoles cattle夏洛尔牛
charolles cattle夏洛尔牛
commercial cattle feeder商品待育肥牛
commercial cattle feeder商品架子牛
common grade cattle普通级的牛低于中等牛
common scabies of cattle普通牛疥癣
confined cattle圈养牛
confinement cattle feeding肉牛密集圈养密集圈养肥育肉牛,每头牛占面积较少,约等于一般圈养占地面积的1/3〜1 /8,大多采用条缝地面,上面有棚
dairy cattle breeder乳牛饲养员
dairy cattle breeder乳牛育种者
dairy cattle breeding乳牛繁育
dairy cattle breeding乳牛育种
double muscled cattle双肌牛
draft cattle役用牛
draught cattle役畜
dual-purpose cattle乳肉兼用牛
Dutch Cattle Association of Japan日本荷兰牛协会
dwarf cattle矮个牛一种遗传有缺陷的畸形牛,在大多数品种都已发现。常有短腿、凹脸、前额凸出等畸形,通常为不完全隐性性状
early cattle grub早期牛皮蝇蛆
edible offals of cattle可食用牛内脏下水
emaciated cattle瘦弱牛
energy unit of dairy cattle奶牛能量单位
enzootic abortion of cattle牛地方性流产
epizootic infertility of cattle牛流行性不育
eye worm of cattle牛眼虫 (Thelazia rhodesii)
fatten cattle肥育牛
fattening cattle架子牛
fattening cattle肥育母牛
fed cattle料饲肉牛用精料肥育后上市的肉牛
Federation of Cattle Raisers' Associations of the Philippines菲律宾养牛者协会联合会
feeder cattle肥育
feeder cattle待肥育牛
feeder cattle架子牛
feeder cattle肥育母牛
feeding cattle架子牛
feeding cattle肥育母牛
feeds for young cattle幼牛成品饲料
finished cattle备宰育肥牛
F-l cattle二纯种的杂交牛尤指注册的纯种瘤牛与欧洲牛的一代杂种[美]
foundation cattle基础牛群
good grade cattle高级牛次于优级牛
grade cattle高血杂种牛
grade cattle级进牛
grass cattle草地牛
grasser cattle草地牛在草地放牧而未喂过精料的牛
head of cattle胸围
head of cattle牲畜头
head of cattle牛头
herd book cattle有血统记录的牛
herd cattle管理牛群
herd sheep and cattle放牧牛羊
hog following cattle牛粪养猪在牛场适量养猪,利用牛粪中未消化的精料为猪饲料
Holstein cattle荷兰牛
Holstein-Friesian cattle breed黑白花奶牛
Holstein-Friesian cattle breed荷斯坦牛
Holstein-Friesian cattle breed荷斯坦弗里生牛品种美国和加拿大
horned cattle有角动物指牛、羊、鹿等
horse and cattle clipper马牛剪毛机
humped cattle驼峰牛
humped cattle瘤牛 (Bos indicus)
humpless cattle无驼峰牛
Hungarian cattle dog匈牙利牧牛犬
indigenous cattle meat本地牛肉
Japanese polled cattle日本无角肉牛
killing cattle屠用肉牛主要指在牧区经过放牧肥育,膘情良好,可供屠宰的肉用牛
leg mange of cattle牛足疥螨
little cattle小牛
live bovine cattle活牛
live cattle牛存栏数
long-fed cattle粗放肥育牛
Longhorn cattle England and Scotland长角牛英格兰和苏格兰
low yield cattle低产牛
malignant catarrh virus of cattle牛恶性卡他病毒
meat cattle菜牛
meat cattle肉用牛
mechanical cattle skinner生产线上剥牛皮联合机
mechanical cattle skinner机械剥牛皮刀
medium grade cattle中级牛
Meuse-Rhine-Yssel cattle breed NET荷兰红白花牛
Meuse-Rhine-Yssel cattle breed NET红白花牛
Meuse-Rhine-Yssel cattle breed NET马斯来因谢尔牛品种
midget cattle矮个牛
midget cattle矮个牛一种遗传有缺陷的畸形牛,在大多数品种都已发现。常有短腿、凹脸、前额凸出等畸形,通常为不完全隐性性状
mustang cattle美国西部野牛
National Cattle Breeder' Association养牛育种协会
nomadic cattle游牧牛
nondescript cattle非纯血种牛
nondescript cattle非良种牛
open cattle shed敞圈
ordinary cattle黄牛
ordinary cattle
Oriental cattle plague东方牛瘟
pasture cattle放牧肥育牛
pasture cattle草地牛
pasture cattle放牧牛
pedigree cattle有系谱良种牛
pocket balance for cattle携带式牲畜秤
prime cattle特级牛
prime grade cattle特级牛最优级牛
pure breed cattle纯种牛
purebred cattle纯种牛
Purebred Dairy Cattle Association纯种乳牛协会
ranch cattle牧区肉用牛
rear cattle饲养家畜
red polled cattle无角红牛英国种
registered cattle注册纯种牛
roughing cattle through winter用粗料喂牛越冬
scissors for marking cattle牛标剪
scrub cattle非纯血种牛
scrub cattle非良种牛
short feed cattle短期肥育牛
short-fed cattle短期肥育牛将架子牛大量喂给精料30〜90d 后出售
slaughter cattle屠用牛
slaughter cattle食用牛
stabled cattle舍饲牲畜
stock cattle体瘦的青年牛
stock cattle肥育用牛
stocker cattle肥育牛
store cattle架子牛
store cattle待肥育牛
store cattle待肥育家畜
store cattle待肥育肉畜
summer pasture gain of yearling cattle 1岁牛夏季放牧增重
teart disease in cattle牛下泻病
tethered cattle拴系养牛
Texas cattle fever牛梨形虫病
Texas cattle fever牛二联巴贝虫病
Texas cattle fever得克萨斯热
Texas cattle fever牛双芽焦虫症
theileriasis of cattle小泰勒焦虫病病原:小泰勒焦虫Theileria parva East Friesan东弗利逊羊(是德国的地方品种)
theileriasis of cattle东岸热
trypanotolerant cattle population抗锥虫牛群
tuberculous cattle结核病牛
two-way cattle两用肉牛中等体重肉牛可供屠宰或进一步肥育
Ukraine cattle乌克兰灰牛役用
Welsh cattle威尔士肉牛
work cattle役用牛
World Jersey Cattle Bureau世界娟姗牛事务所
yak-cattle hybrid牦牛-黄牛杂种
yak-cattle hybrid犏牛
yak-cattle hybrid犏牛牦牛与黄牛的杂种
yarded cattle舍饲牛
yarding cattle舍饲牛
zero-grazed cattle青刈舍饲牛