
Terms for subject European Bank for Reconstruction and Development containing Off-set | all forms
right of set-offправо судебного зачёта
set-offуравновешивающий элемент
set-offзачёт встречных требований (This provision is usually contained in a payments clause. ‘Set-off'generally means ‘deduction'. It occurs when party A to the contract is obliged to pay party B a sum of money, but party B also owes party A a smaller sum. In such a situation, it may be agreed that party A will deduct from the sum to be paid to party B the amount that party B owes to party A. LE2 Alexander Demidov)
set-offудержание (Party B agrees with Party A throughout the term of the contract not to set-off for any reason any money payable by Party B to Party A for supplies of products under the contract. LE2 Alexander Demidov)
set-offизъятие (арест, конфискация raf)
set-offтребование о зачёте
set-off clauseположение о праве кредиторов на зачёт средств заёмщика в погашение его долга (вк)
set-off clauseположение о праве кредитора на зачёт средств заёмщика в погашение его долга (raf)
whether by way of set-off, counterclaim or otherwiseнезависимо от того, делается ли это в виде компенсации, взаимных требований или иным образом (V.Sok)