
Terms for subject Figurative containing Ring | all forms | exact matches only
have a hollow ring toтемнить (Супру)
have a ringперекликнуться (of)
have a ringперекликаться (of)
have a ring ofперекликнуться (pf of переклика́ться)
have a ring ofперекли́каться
hollow ringнеискренний тон ('I think I must have been rather over-acting my delight, and that she detected a hollow ring in my congratulations, for I saw her eyebrows rise a little, and she glanced at me curiously.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
ring for a certain timeпрозвучать
ring of authorityавторитетность (метафорически fediatr)
ring outударять
ring outударить
ring the curtain upначинать (что-либо)
ring the curtain upначать (что-либо)
three-ring circusбазар (шум, неразбериха igisheva)
three-ring circusбалаган (British television viewers had seen how proceedings in US courtrooms can almost turn into a three-ring circus during the OJ Simpson trial.)
three-ring circusдурдом (It truly is a three-ring circus in here,’ says Pollock, shouting directives to couriers between phrases, as Youn scrambles through faxes and emails. • Our family reunions are always three-ring circuses pushak)
three-ring circusнеразбериха
three-ring circusбазар-вокзал (igisheva)
three-ring circusшум и гам