
Terms for subject Religion containing Shu | all forms | exact matches only
hsin-shuсистема синьшу (An early Chinese Taoist system aimed at purifying the practitioner's "vital force")
Jodo-shuйодо шу (One of the most influential schools of Japanese Buddhism)
Shu'araaПоэты (26-я сура Священного Корана)
Shu ChingКнига истории
Shu ChingШу цзин ("Classic of History", one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, a compilation of documentary records related to events in China's ancient history)
Ssu shuСы цзы шу
Ssu shuЧетыре книги мудрецов
Ssu shuЧетверокнижие
Ssu shuСы шу ("Four Books", four ancient Confucian texts that were used as official subject matter for civil service examinations in China from 1313 to 1905 and usually serve to introduce Chinese students to Confucian literature)