
Terms for subject Humorous / Jocular containing Take | all forms | exact matches only
I'll take that any dayменя это вполне устраивает (A few degrees above zero, below zero -- I'll take that over minus 29 any day! ART Vancouver)
need to take several seatsнужно присесть и присесть (Shabe)
Take a number!Отгадай с трёх раз! (Vic_Ber)
take a restкайфовать
take a restкейфова
take a sabbaticalсделать большой перерыв (MichaelBurov)
take a sabbaticalвзять длительный отпуск (MichaelBurov)
take abrupt actionsсовершать резкие телодвижения (В политике совершать резкие телодвижения опасно для жизни! – In politics, taking abrupt actions is dangerous to life! VLZ_58)
take credit forпризнаться в чём-л. (The seemingly innocuous Facebook post featuring various critters like turkeys and skunks caused residents to do a double take when they noticed that, included among the images, were three pictures featuring an unnerving figure with a monstrous face and skeletal hands. (...) That speculation was later confirmed when Evansville chief of police, Mike Thompson, stepped forward to take credit for the clever prank, which he said was inspired by the town's annual Halloween festivities. -- признался в содеянном coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
take into custodyвзять под белы рученьки (VLZ_58)
take medicineглотнуть спиртного
take name in vainпроизносить имя (I thought I heard someone taking my name in vain. VLZ_58)
take one's seatвосседать (impf of воссесть)
take seatвосседать на престол
take seatвоссесть на престол
take several seatsприсядь и присядь (Shabe)
take the cakeзаслужить первый приз (Looks like someone's trying to parallel park with their eyes closed... That woman shouldn’t have a license. She shouldn't be anywhere near a motor vehicle... As bad as literally everything that happened, it was her attempt to lift or push the truck back with bare hands that really did it for me... I've seen some isht on this corner, but this takes the cake... (Reddit) -- но эта автоледи заслужила первый приз ART Vancouver)
take the dog outside to do his businessвывести собаку (I wake up around 6 and usually take my dog outside to do his business in the park across the street. ART Vancouver)
take the missiles out of Havanaсложить оружие (Taras)
take the scenic routeзаблудиться и долго добираться до цели (Nrml Kss)
take the scenic routeпоехать окольным путём (Nrml Kss)
take under advisementпринять к сведению и предать забвению (Согласно этой ссылке данной английской фразе может соответствовать русское "всенепременнно". urbandictionary.com VLZ_58)
the final transfer will take several thousand days.Финальная передача займёт несколько тысяч дней.
you can take the girl out of village, but you will never ever take the village out of the girlдевушка уехала из деревни ... деревня переехала в город вместе с девушкой (Anglophile)