
Terms containing ecumenical | all forms | exact matches only
gen.an ecumenical councilвселенский собор
rel., christ.Commemoration of the First Ecumenical CouncilПамять Первого Вселенского Собора (browser)
rel., christ.Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of Seven Ecumenical CouncilsПамять святых отцов семи Вселенских Соборов (browser)
rel., christ.Ecumenical Catholic ChurchЭкуменическая католическая церковь
relig.ecumenical councilвселенский собор
gen.Ecumenical CouncilЭкуменический совет
foreig.aff.Ecumenical Council of Churches in HungaryЭкуменический совет церквей Венгрии
dipl.Ecumenical Council of Orthodox ChurchesВселенский собор православных церквей
cinemaecumenical juryэкуменическое жюри (grafleonov)
rel., christ.Ecumenical MovementДвижение экуменическое
relig.ecumenical movementэкуменическое движение
relig.ecumenical movementэкуменизм
relig.Ecumenical PatriarchВселенский патриарх (Патриарх Константинопольский)
rel., christ.Ecumenical PatriarchateВселенский Патриархат (browser)
relig.Ecumenical Patriarchate of ConstantinopleВселенский патриархат константинопольский (Honorary primacy of the Eastern Orthodox autocephalous churches; it is also known as the "ecumenical patriarchate", or "Roman" patriarchate)
rel., christ.ecumenical relationsэкуменические отношения (Wall Street Journal Alex_Odeychuk)
relig.Ecumenical Youth Council in EuropeЭкуменический Совет Молодёжи в Европе
relig.Eighth Ecumenical CouncilВосьмой Вселенский собор (869-870, a council of the Christian church, meeting in Constantinople. The Roman church eventually recognized it as ecumenical, but the Eastern church for the most part denied its ecumenicity and continues to recognize only the first seven ecumenical councils)
relig.Fifth Ecumenical CouncilПятый Вселенский собор (553, the council of the Christian church, meeting under the presidency of Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople)
rel., christ.Fifth-Sixth Ecumenical CouncilПято-шестой Вселенский собор (igisheva)
rel., christ.First Ecumenical CouncilПервый Вселенский собор (igisheva)
rel., christ.Fourth Ecumenical CouncilЧетвёртый Вселенский собор (igisheva)
gen.International Ecumenical FellowshipМеждународное экуменическое братство
foreig.aff.Nordic Ecumenical CouncilСкандинавский экуменический совет
rel., christ.Quinisext Ecumenical CouncilПято-шестой Вселенский собор (igisheva)
relig.Second Ecumenical CouncilВторой Вселенский собор (381, the council of the Christian church summoned by the emperor Theodosius I and meeting in Constantinople. Doctrinally, it promulgated what became known to the church as the Nicene Creed)
rel., christ.Seventh Ecumenical CouncilСедьмой Вселенский собор (igisheva)
relig.Sixth Ecumenical CouncilШестой Вселенский собор (680, the council of the Christian church summoned by the emperor Constantine IV and meeting at Constantinople)
rel., christ.Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Councilнеделя отец первого вселенского собора
rel., christ.Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Councilвоскресенье отец первого вселенского собора
rel., christ.Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councilsвоскресенье святых отец первых шести вселенских соборов
rel., christ.Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councilsнеделя святых отец первых шести вселенских соборов
rel., christ.Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councilsвоскресенье святых отцов первых шести вселенских соборов (Борис Горелик)
rel., christ.Sunday of the Seventh Ecumenical Councilнеделя о седьмом вселенском соборе
rel., christ.Sunday of the Seventh Ecumenical Councilвоскресенье седьмого вселенского собора
rel., christ.Third Ecumenical CouncilIII Вселенский Собор (browser)
rel., christ.Third Ecumenical CouncilТретий Вселенский Собор (browser)