
Terms for subject Figure of speech containing hills | all forms
a hill seems like a mountain, a stream like a big riverкочка кажется горою, ручеёк большой рекою
be the king of the hillоседлать господствующие высоты (Alex_Odeychuk)
be the king of the hillзанимать господствующее положение (Alex_Odeychuk)
curse up hill and down daleругать на чём свет стоит (Interex)
head for the hillsзадать стрекача (Clepa)
head for the hillsсбежать (flee; take to one's heels; cut and run Clepa)
head for the hillsдать дёру (Clepa)
I am not going to die on that hillдля меня это не принципиально (A key part of the meaning is the cost-benefit analysis. How high is the issue on your list of priorities, versus how high would be the cost of fighting that fight? In military terms, fighting up a hill, with the enemy above you, can cost much time and many lives. A military commander must judge whether taking that hill is worth the high cost.: An American comedian was asked about her views on marijuana legalization during an interview. She said she supported it, but she wasn't going to die on that hill. It wasn't high enough on her list that she should be putting herself out to support its recreational use. wordreference.com 'More)
push one's boulder uphill / up a hill cf. Sisyphean taskтянуть лямку (Vic_Ber)
shining city on a hillсветоносный град (Alex_Odeychuk)