
Terms containing peg into | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
idiom.fit a square peg into a round holeвпихнуть невпихуемое (Баян)
idiom.fit a square peg into a round holeсочетать несочетаемое (eg The Regulation of E-Cigarettes: Trying to Fit a Square Peg Into a Round Hole? Баян)
gen.peg intoвбить
gen.peg intoвколачивать
gen.peg intoвколотить
gen.peg intoвбивать
fig.of.sp.pound a square peg into a round holeнатягивать сову на глобус (pelipejchenko)
fig.of.sp.pound a square peg into a round holeпритягивать за уши (pelipejchenko; someone who does not fit in a particular place or situation. She felt like a square peg in a round hole at the new school until she made some new friends. sarayli)
gen.this peg would not fit into a round holeэтот колышек не войдёт в круглое отверстие
amer.trying to put a round peg into a square holeпытаться сделать невозможное (Val_Ships)