
Terms for subject General containing swerving | all forms
swerve from the straight pathотклоняться от сбиваться с прямого пути
swerve off the courseотклониться от курса ("There was a tree standing at roadside and, suddenly swerving off the course, he made for it and hoisted himself into its branches." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
swerve off the roadсъехать с дороги (Phylonette)
swerve onto the sidewalkвыехать на тротуар (The car on the pavement was zooming down the bus lane, the car still on the road moved right into the bus lane, and then the other car had to swerve onto the sidewalk to avoid crashing. Thankfully no one was standing at the bus stop. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
swerve out to portотклоняться влево
swerve out to starboardотклоняться вправо
swerve sharplyсвиливать (impf of свильнуть)
swerve to the side of the roadсъехать на обочину (I am a police officer. I was traveling northbound on FM 1008 and there was an 18-wheel truck in front of me at the time and we were traveling at approx. 55 mph. I observed a large creature in an upright position run out of the tree line on the east side of the highway. It ran in front of the big truck in front of me. The truck braked and swerved to the east side of the road and the creature was unharmed and cleared the road and ran into the tree line on the west side of FM 1008. From what I could see this creature appeared to be as tall as the cab of the 18-wheeler, maybe 8 feet and was very bulky and covered in hair. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- притормозил и съехал на обочину ART Vancouver)