
Terms for subject Microsoft containing workflow | all forms | exact matches only
Add a New Event to WorkflowДобавить новое событие в поток работ (Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) ssn)
Add a workflowДобавление рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
add incident event workflowдобавление рабочего процесса события инцидента (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
Add workflowДобавить рабочий процесс (Office System 2010 ssn)
automatic workflowавтоматический бизнес-процесс (A type of workflow that runs as soon as the conditions defined in the workflow logic are met. No user action is required to start the workflow)
basic workflowбазовый рабочий процесс (Windows 8 ssn)
business-rule-driven workflowпроцесс, управляемый бизнес-правилами (ssn)
business-rule-driven workflowрабочий процесс, управляемый бизнес-правилами (ssn)
Change WorkflowИзменение рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
child workflowдочерний бизнес-процесс (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
composite workflow for service-oriented applicationsкомплексные процессы в сервис-ориентированных приложениях (Windows 7 ssn)
configure event workflowsнастройка рабочих процессов события (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
Create WorkflowСоздать рабочий процесс (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
declarative workflowдекларативный бизнес-процесс (A workflow that is defined by using workflow markup language contained in XAML-formatted files. The XAML files are deployed and stored in the database. Rori)
declarative workflow designerдекларативный конструктор рабочих процессов (ssn)
declarative workflow designersдекларативные конструкторы рабочих процессов (ssn)
Delete WorkflowУдаление рабочего процесса (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
dependent workflowзависимый workflow-процесс (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
development workflowпроцесс разработки (Alex_Odeychuk)
document-centric workflowпроцесс, связанный с документооборотом (ssn)
document-centric workflowрабочий процесс, связанный с документооборотом (ssn)
durable workflowустойчивый рабочий процесс (A workflow whose state can be persisted to a storage medium to withstand system failures and to release memory, which improves the scalability of workflow execution)
Edit a WorkflowИзменить рабочий процесс (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
Edit Incident Event WorkflowИзменение рабочего процесса события инцидента (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
Edit WorkflowИзменение рабочего процесса (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 ssn)
Enable workflowВключение рабочего процесса (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
event workflowsрабочие процессы события (ssn)
Execute WorkflowВыполнить бизнес-процесс (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
Generating workflow visualizationСоздание визуализации рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 Rori)
global workflowглобальный рабочий поток (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
high-privilege workflowвысокопривилегированный рабочий процесс (Any workflow that either uses a tiered activity or contains a high privilege scope, regardless of the contents of that scope)
human or system workflowsпользовательские или системные процессы (Windows 7 ssn)
human workflowпользовательский рабочий процесс (ssn)
human workflowпользовательский процесс (ssn)
human workflowпроцесс, связанный с документооборотом (ssn)
Human Workflow Servicesслужбы документооборота (A set of workflow services consisting of actors that create or participate in an action, an activity flow, or an activity model that performs some process for an actor)
human workflow servicesслужбы документооборота (ssn)
Human Workflow Services Administrationадминистрирование служб документооборота (A set of activities including the installation, configuration, and deployment of HWS actions, and activity models. It also includes adding, removing, and updating constraints, and stopping, deleting, and archiving action instances or activity flows)
human workflow services administrationадминистрирование служб документооборота (ssn)
Human Workflow Services workflowрабочий процесс служб документооборота (Any action, activity flow, or activity model that performs a process for an actor)
human workflow services workflowрабочий процесс служб документооборота (ssn)
HWS workflowрабочий процесс HWS (ssn)
Import WorkflowИмпорт рабочего процесса (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
incident event workflowрабочий процесс события инцидента (ssn)
invalid workflow eventнедопустимое событие потока работ (Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) ssn)
line item workflowworkflow-процесс по строке (A workflow created for each line item in a workflow document)
line item workflow work itemзадача workflow-процесса по строке (A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance)
list workflowрабочий процесс списка (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Modify WorkflowИзменение рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
Modify WorkflowИзменить рабочий процесс (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 ssn)
on-demand workflowбизнес-процесс с запуском вручную (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
operational workflowрабочий бизнес-процесс (A workflow that is synchronous and starts immediately)
parent workflowродительский рабочий процесс (A workflow that starts a child workflow. The child workflow communicates its outcome back to the parent workflow)
parent workflowродительский бизнес-процесс (Dynamics CRM 4.0 ssn)
post-operational workflowотложенный бизнес-процесс (A workflow that is asynchronous or that starts at a later time, but does not have to wait for a previous workflow to finish)
queue workflow work itemзадача workflow-процесса в очереди (A workflow work item that is assigned to a work item queue)
Run WorkflowЗапустить бизнес-процесс (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
site workflowрабочий процесс сайта (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
start workflowзапустить рабочий процесс (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
state machine workflowрабочий процесс конечного автомата (A workflow that is modeled in an event-driven manner as a state machine. Rori)
Stop WorkflowОстановить рабочий процесс (Office System 2010 ssn)
system workflowсистемный процесс (ssn)
system workflowсистемный рабочий процесс (ssn)
Unexpected error on server associating the workflowНепредвиденная ошибка на сервере при сопоставлении с рабочим процессом (Office System 2010 Rori)
View WorkflowПросмотр рабочего процесса (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 ssn)
Visio workflowрабочий процесс Visio (Office System 2010 ssn)
Windows Workflow Foundation activityактивность WWF (A unit of program behavior in Windows Workflow Foundation. Single activities can be composed together into more complex activities)
workflow actionдействие бизнес-процесса (An element of workflow logic that specifies the event or task that should be performed by the workflow jobs started by the workflow)
workflow activationактивация бизнес-процесса (The process that occurs when a workflow host calls the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method)
workflow activityдействие бизнес-процесса (An elemental unit of a workflow that represents actions and provides functionality for control flow, conditions, event handling, state management, and communication with applications and services)
workflow activityактивность рабочего процесса (A unit of program behavior in Windows Workflow Foundation. Single activities can be composed together into more complex activities)
workflow applicationприложение рабочего процесса (A set of programs that aids in the tracking and management of all the activities in a project from start to finish. Rori)
workflow cacheкэш рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow conditionусловие бизнес-процесса (ssn)
workflow decision elementэлемент принятия решения workflow-процесса (A guard condition that controls the logical branching of task sequences within a workflow process. A workflow decision can be made by a user or by an automation rule)
workflow definitionопределение рабочего процесса (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
workflow definitionопределение бизнес-процесса (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
Workflow Designerконструктор рабочих процессов (A graphical tool used to create a workflow visually by representing actions and constraints as shapes that can be connected to form a complete schedule)
workflow designerконструктор рабочих процессов (ssn)
workflow documentдокумент workflow-процесса (A view of data that is submitted to workflow for processing)
workflow editorредактор рабочих процессов (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow elementэлемент workflow-процесса (A modeling element used to define workflow processes)
workflow-enabledподдерживающий бизнес-процессы (Automated in such a way that business documents and assignments are routed from one user to another for specific action)
Workflow EnabledПоддержка рабочего процесса включена (InfoPath 2007 SP2 ssn)
workflow engineобработчик рабочего процесса (aki)
workflow errorошибка рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow escalation actionэскалационное действие workflow-процесса (An automatic workflow action taken when a workflow work item is not completed by the current assignee)
workflow eventсобытие потока работ (ssn)
workflow eventsсобытия потока работ (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
workflow execution accountучётная запись выполнения workflow-процесса (A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows)
Workflow Failoverотработка отказа рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 Rori)
workflow filesфайлы рабочего процесса (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
workflow for systems managementпроцесс управления системами (ssn)
workflow for systems managementрабочий процесс управления системами (ssn)
workflow formформа рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow formsформы рабочих процессов (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow foundationплатформа рабочих процессов (An extensible programming model and components that can be used to design and implement custom applications for common business processes, such as document approval. Components include version control, tracking, and reporting)
workflow historyистория workflow-процесса (A view of the workflow tracking data generated by the workflow runtime)
workflow historyжурнал рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow hostузел выполнения рабочих процессов (The server component that deals with the execution of workflows)
workflow hostузел документооборота (An environment in which the workflow runtime is started so that it can be accessed as a service)
workflow hostingразмещение рабочего процесса (Windows 8 Rori)
workflow in line-of-business applicationsрабочие процессы в бизнес-приложениях (ssn)
workflow in LOB applicationsрабочие процессы в бизнес-приложениях (ssn)
workflow instanceэкземпляр бизнес-процесса (A running instance of a workflow definition, when a request is made)
workflow instanceэкземпляр workflow-процесса (A workflow activated by and executing in the workflow host)
workflow instanceэкземпляр рабочего процесса (A running instance of a workflow definition, when a request is made)
Workflow Instance RecoveryВосстановление экземпляра рабочего процесса (A feature of the Workflow Management service (WMS) that monitors persistence stores for workflow service instances that should be running and restarts them)
workflow instance recoveryвосстановление экземпляра рабочего процесса (ssn)
workflow jobзадание бизнес-процесса (A job performed on entities or records, based on rules defined in a workflow)
workflow list formформа списка workflow-процессов (A form that displays a list of workflows for a particular module, along with the versions of the workflow)
workflow logжурнал бизнес-процесса (Dynamics CRM 4.0 ssn)
workflow managementуправление рабочими процессами (A feature area of ILM 2 that deals with designing workflows, executing them and managing them. Workflow management consists of the Workflow Designer, request management and the workflow host)
Workflow Management serviceСлужба управления рабочими процессами (A Windows service that manages the execution of instance control commands, the recovery of workflow service hosts, and the resumption of instances in the event of expired timers)
workflow management serviceслужба управления рабочими процессами (ssn)
Workflow Managerдиспетчер бизнес-правил (A tool used to create, customize, and edit workflow rules and rule templates, and sales process rules and rule templates)
Workflow Monitorмонитор бизнес-правил (A tool used to view the status of workflow and sales processes in the organization)
workflow nameназвание рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow nameимя рабочего процесса (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
workflow objectsобъекты рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow optionпараметр бизнес-процесса (A parameter for a workflow that includes settings that determine which records it acts on and how it is triggered)
workflow ownerвладелец рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow phaseэтап рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow policyполитика бизнес-процесса (A group of rules for a workflow)
workflow processбизнес-процесс (A series of interrelated action steps and the workflow rules that drive the transition between these steps. A workflow process defines the actions the workflow should take at each step, and the workflow rules the workflow should use to evaluate when to proceed to the next step)
workflow processпроцесс бизнес-правила (A series of interrelated action steps and the workflow rules that drive the transition between these steps. A workflow process defines the actions the workflow should take at each step, and the workflow rules the workflow should use to evaluate when to proceed to the next step)
workflow registrationрегистрация бизнес-процесса (A registration process that occurs when you add a workflow definition to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database)
workflow responseотклик рабочего процесса (A reaction to a workflow event according to the workflow response options Rori)
workflow ruleбизнес-правило (A set of action steps in a business process or sales process. A workflow rule specifies the required activities for a workflow and the order in which those activities must be performed)
workflow runtimeсреда выполнения workflow-процессов (A software component that activates and executes workflow instances using Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation)
workflow scopeобласть бизнес-процесса (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
workflow scopeрамки workflow-процесса (The extent of activity controlled by a workflow process)
workflow serviceСлужба рабочих процессов (A WCF service that is implemented as a workflow. The workflow contains messaging activities that send and receive WCF messages)
workflow serviceслужба рабочих процессов (ssn)
workflow service hostузел службы рабочих процессов (A component that is responsible for running all workflows, orchestrating, and dispatching them)
workflow servicesслужбы, связанные с рабочим процессом (Alex_Odeychuk)
workflow siteсайт рабочего процесса (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
workflow stageстадия рабочего процесса (A defined point in a workflow that is entered when specified conditions are met)
workflow stageстадия бизнес-процесса (An element of workflow logic that groups steps. Adding stages to a workflow does not affect how the steps function. Stages are purely for conceptual grouping of steps within complex workflows)
workflow stageэтап бизнес-процесса (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
workflow stateсостояние бизнес-процесса (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
workflow stateсостояние рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow statusсостояние бизнес-процесса (The condition, at a particular time, of a workflow)
workflow statusсостояние рабочего процесса (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 ssn)
workflow stepшаг бизнес-процесса (An individual stage defined in a workflow)
workflow stepшаг рабочего процесса (ssn)
workflow stepsшаги рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow taskзадача рабочего процесса (An action or task in a sequence that is related to a built-in or user-defined business process)
workflow task listсписок задач рабочего процесса (A list that stores the sequence of actions or tasks for a business process. Rori)
workflow tasksзадачи рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)
workflow templateшаблон бизнес-процесса (A template that serves exclusively as the basis for creating other workflows. Workflow templates cannot start workflow jobs)
workflow tracking dataлог workflow-процессов (The data that is logged during the execution of a workflow instance)
workflow typeтип бизнес-процесса (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
workflow typeтип workflow-процесса (A set of metadata and event handlers in the Application Object Tree (AOT) that defines a workflow design template)
workflow typeтип рабочего процесса (Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2012 ssn)
workflow viewпросмотр потока работ (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
Workflow Visualizationвизуализация рабочего процесса (Project 2013 Rori)
workflow work itemзадача workflow-процесса (ssn)