
Terms containing critical | all forms | exact matches only
agric.approximation of critical valueskritikus értékek közelítése
math.average critical value methodátlagos kritikus érték módszer
math.best critical regionlegjobb kritikus tartomány
comp., MSboot critical driverrendszerindításhoz szükséges illesztőprogram (A driver that must be available in order for the operating system to successfully complete the boot process. Boot critical drivers include all boot start drivers)
comp., MScritical alertkritikus riasztás (An alert that indicates that a protection group requires immediate attention. Critical problems are caused by significant abnormal (unexpected) behavior that affects data protected by DPS)
paraglid.critical angle of incidencekritikus állásszög
comp., MScritical exceptionkritikus kivétel (An exception that leads to a monitored component's failure. For ASP.NET applications, a critical exception results in the user seeing either the standard or a custom error page. For web services, critical exceptions are those that ASP.NET serializes into valid SOAP messages on the server-side, and deserializes to SOAP exceptions on the ASP.NET client)
comp., MScritical pathkritikus út (The series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Each task on the critical path is a critical task)
agric., met.critical point with phase changeátalakulási pont
econ., tech.critical raw materialkritikus fontosságú nyersanyag
comp., MScritical sectionkritikus szakasz (A segment of code which is not reentrant; that is, it does not support concurrent access by multiple threads. Often, a critical section is used to protect shared resources)
chess.term.critical squaregyujtópont
comp., MScritical taskkritikus tevékenység (A task that must be completed on schedule for the project to finish on time. If a critical task is delayed, the project completion date might also be delayed. A series of critical tasks makes up a project's critical path)
math.critical valuekritikus érték
food.ind.hazard analysis and critical control pointveszélyelemzés, kritikus szabályozási pontok rendszere
food.ind.hazard analysis and critical control pointveszélyelemzés, kritikus szabályozási pontok
food.ind.hazard analysis critical control point systemveszélyelemzés, kritikus szabályozási pontok rendszere
food.ind.hazard analysis critical control point systemveszélyelemzés, kritikus szabályozási pontok
food.ind.hazard analysis of critical control pointsveszélyelemzés, kritikus szabályozási pontok rendszere
food.ind.hazard analysis of critical control pointsveszélyelemzés, kritikus szabályozási pontok
math.most powerful critical regionleginkább hatásos kritikus tartomány
comp., MSmultiple critical pathstöbb kritikus út (A series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Identify and track multiple critical paths to be more effective in managing conditions that could affect your project's finish date)
comp., MSsecurity-criticalbiztonsági szempontból kritikus (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can only be used by fully trusted code in the .NET Framework)
comp., MSsecurity-safe-criticalbiztonsági szempontból biztonságos-kritikus (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can be safely used by partially trusted code in the .NET Framework)
health., med.single-use device for critical useegyszer használatos, érzékeny területen történő felhasználásra szánt orvostechnikai eszköz