
Terms containing Capacity | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MScapacity loadálag (The maximum amount of scheduled work that a work center can perform at a required capacity level)
comp., MScapacity planningafkastagetuáætlun, afkastageta áætluð (A procedure for determining the resource capacity requirements that meet the demand of future output during specific time periods)
comp., MSfinite capacitytakmörkuð geta (The capability of a resource (worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization) to produce output within a specified period of time without exceeding the available capacity)
comp., MSlimited capacitytakmörkuð afkastageta (The capability of a resource (worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization) to produce output within a specified period of time without exceeding the available capacity)
comp., MSoptimizing on capacityhámörkun afkastagetu (A limited capacity situation where production is scheduled around existing reservations for work centers. Production begins when capacity becomes available)