
Terms containing Central | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSCentral Bank MFO CodeMFO-kóði seðlabanka (A 9-digit code used to identify banks for routing transactions in the Russian Federation)
comp., MScentral bank transaction codefærslukóði seðlabanka (A statistical code defined by the Central Bank of Russia used to describe the subjects of payments denominated in Russian roubles for cross-border transactions)
math.central confidence intervalmið óvissubil
math.central factorial momentsmið aðfeldi stundir
math.central limit theoremmeginmarkgildissetning tölfræðinnar
math.central limit theoremhelsta markgildissetning tölfræðinnar
math.central momentmiðvægi
math.central momentvægi um meðalgildi
math.central momentmeðalgildisvægi
math.central momentmeðaltalsvægi
math.central momentvægi um meðaltal
math.central place theorymið fram kenningu
comp., MScentral processing unitörgjörvi (The computational and control unit of a computer. The CPU is the device that interprets and executes instructions. Mainframes and early minicomputers contained circuit boards full of integrated circuits that implemented the CPU. Single-chip central processing units, called microprocessors, made possible personal computers and workstations)
comp., MSCentral Publishing serviceþjónusta fyrir miðlæga birtingu (A service within Remote Desktop Services responsible for aggregating RemoteApp programs and desktops that are published to end users from across the entire deployment. It ensure only users with appropriate rights can access published resources. The resources are used to display error messages that, for example, might say that the publishing service is unavailable. This can help the admin debug their deployment)
math.central tendencymiðsækni
math.central tendencymiðleitni
math.central tendencydæmigert gildi
math.central tendencymiðlægt gildi
math.doubly non-central F-distributiontvöfalt utan mið-F-dreifing
math.functional central limit theoremsetningin Donsker's
math.functional central limit theoreminvariance meginreglu
math.functional central limit theoremhagnýtur mið takmarka setningin
math.measure of central tendencymiðlægt gildi
math.measure of central tendencymiðsækni
math.measure of central tendencymiðleitni
math.measure of central tendencydæmigert gildi
math.non-central beta distributionutan mið-beta dreifingu
math.non-central chi-square distributionRice dreifing
math.non-central confidence intervalutan mið-öryggisbil
math.non-central χup 2 distributionRice dreifing
math.non-central F-distributionutan mið-F-dreifing
math.non-central multivariate beta distributionutan mið-fjölbreytugreining beta dreifing
math.non-central multivariate F-distributionutan mið-fjölbreytugreining F-dreifing
math.non-central t-distributionutan mið-t-dreifingu
math.non-central Wishart distributionutan mið-Wishart dreifingu