
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三尖瓣Ebstein anomaly
上颌窦黏膜囊肿submucous cyst of maxillary sinus
丘脑-垂体前叶功能试验functional test of hypothalamus anterior pituitary
丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis
丘脑性甲状腺功能亢进症hypothalamic hyperthyroidism
丘脑性甲状腺功能减退症hypothalamic hypothyroidism
丘脑性闭经hypothalamic amenorrhea
丘脑调节肽regulatory peptides of hypothalamus
主静脉subcardinal vein
偏盲lower hemianopsia
前方切除low anterior resection
呼吸道烧伤burns of the lower respiratory tract
呼吸道阻塞Lower respiratory tract obstruction
唇线lower lip line
唇线low lip line
型室间隔缺损infracristal ventricular septal defect
尿路感染lower urinary tract infection
床活动amb ambulatory
排气式压力灭菌downward displacement autoclaves
消化道内视镜检查low gastrointestinal endoscopy
消化道摄影术lower gastrointestinal series
肢不宁综合征restless leg syndrome
肢坠落试验leg dropping test
肢水肿dependent edema
肢肌节lower limb myotome
肢血栓性深静脉炎护理nursing care of thrombophlebitis of lower extremities
肢静脉曲张varicose veins of the leg
肢静脉曲张护理nursing care of varicose vein of lower extremities
肾单位肾病lower nephron nephrosis
腔静脉综合征inferior vena cava syndrome
腹部切除low abdominal resection
行性视神经萎缩descending optic atrophy
颌下间隙submandibular space
颌位mandibular position
颌体lower jaw member
颌体lower bow
颌切迹sigmoid notch
颌前突mandibular protrusion
颌前突mandibular prognathism
颌升支侧位体层片lateral tomogram of ramus
颌升支内侧隆突阻滞麻醉block anesthesia at internal ramus prominence
颌升支切线位投照术tangential position roentgenography of mandibular ramus
颌反射mandibular reflex
颌后缩mandibular retrognathism
颌弓mandibular arch
颌息止位rest position of mandible
颌支截骨术ramus osteotomy
颌支支架种植体ramus frame implant
颌横断片occlusal film of mandible
颌正中囊肿median mandibular cyst
颌牙mandibular teeth
颌牙lower teeth
颌神经阻滞麻醉mandibular block anesthesia
颌脱臼护理nursing care of dislocation of temporomandibular joint
颌課突切除术mandibular condylectomy
颌运动mandibular movement
颌运动复制器gnathic replicator
颌运动描记仪mandibular kinesiograph
颌阻断麻醉mandibular block
颌隆凸torus mandibularis
颌隆起mandibular prominence
颌隆起mandibular process
颌骨颜面发育不全mandibulofacial dysostosis
颌骨骨折fracture of mandible
额突mandibular prominence
额突mandibular process
鼻甲切除术inferior turbinectomy
鼻甲硬化疗法sclerosing therapy for inferior turbinate
丘脑部损伤hypothalamus injury
主动脉瓣狭窄subvalvular aortic stenosis
会阴尿道perineal hypospadia
假性智能低pseudoretardation of intelligence
先天性上睑congenital ptosis
内皮subendothelial layer
内镜黏膜肿瘤切除 endoscopic enucleation of submucosal tumor
鼻甲切除术antero-inferior turbinectomy
功能失调性丘脑性闭经functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
口腔黏膜纤维化oral submucosa fibrosis
部憩室Zenker diverticulum
部憩室hypopharyngeal diverticulum
唾液腺颌骨舌侧陷人lingual mandibular salivary gland depression
声门喉炎subglottic laryngitis
声门喉癌subglottic carcinoma
声门狭窄subglottic stenosis
外伤性蛛网膜腔岀血traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
子宫段剖宫产术low-segment cesarean section
小儿硬脑膜积液subdural effusion of infant
小叶静脉sublobular vein
心内膜subendocardial layer
心内膜心肌梗死subendocardial myocardial infarction
急性背痛acute low back pain
慢性背痛chronic low back pain
慢性硬脑膜血肿chronic subdural hematoma
新生儿皮坏疽subcutaneous gangrene of newborn
早期床活动early ambulation
智能低mental subnormality
机械性上睑mechanical ptosis
根尖截骨术subapical osteotomy
气管镜异物提取术removal foreign bodies through a bronchoscope
浆膜subserous layer
浆膜stratum subserosum
浆膜肌瘤subserous hysteromyoma
涎腺颌骨舌侧陷人lingual mandibular salivary gland depression
游走性皮结节migratory subcutaneous nodule
submerged tooth
特发性肥厚性主动脉瓣狭窄idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
环绕 颌结扎术circummandibular wiring
组织细菌定量quantification of subeschar bacteria
组织细菌计算公式equation for counting of subeschar bacteria
气肿subcutaneous emphysema
气肿护理nursing care of subcutaneous emphysema
注射法hypodermic injection
注射脱敏法hypodermic injection desensitization
皮质出血subcortical hemorrhage
直视活检direct vision biopsy
注射法infraorbital foramen [canal] injection
裂后方注射法posterior infraorbital fissure injection
间隙infraorbital space
眼睑皮淤血ecchymosis of eyelid
睑板inferior tarsus sulcus
硬脑膜出血subdural hemorrhage
硬脑膜积液subdural hygroma
硬脑膜积液subdural effusion
硬脑膜穿刺subdural puncture
硬脑膜血肿subdural hematoma
穿颌种植体tansmandibular implant
纤维性颞颌关节强直fibrous ankylosis of TMJ
纤维肌型主动脉瓣狭窄fibromuscular subvalvular aortic stenosis
纤维膜型主动脉瓣狭窄fibromembranous subvalvular aortic stenosis
结膜出血subconjunctival hemorrhage
结膜注射subconjunctival injection
缺铁性咽困难sideropenic dysphagia
颌注射法pterygomandibular injection
耳后骨膜脓肿postauricular subperiosteal abscess
肋缘切口subcostal incision
性上睑myogenic ptosis
肌膜subsarcolemmal cisterna
盲肠subhepatic cecum
阑尾subhepatic appendix
肝被膜岀血subcapsular hemorrhage of liver
肥胖通气低综合征obesity-hypoventilation syndrome
积液 X 线征象X-ray image of intrapulmonary effusion
缘移动度mobile degree of inferior border of lung
肺动脉瓣狭窄subvalvular pulmonary stenosis
胸膜pleural bleb
脉络膜爆发性出血subchoroidal expulsive hemorrhage
脉络膜逐出性出血subchoroidal expulsive hemorrhage
脓肿subdiaphragmatic abscess
脓肿护理nursing care of subphrenic abscess
间隙subphrenic space
神经CN XII hypoglossal nerve
神经麻痹hypoglossal nerve paralysis
腺囊肿sublingual gland cyst
腺囊肿sublingual cyst
间隙sublingual space
静脉曲张sublingual varices
蛛网膜subarachnoid space
蛛网膜腔出血护理nursing care of subarachnoid hemorrhage
蛛网膜腔岀血subarachnoid hemorrhage
蛛网膜腔神经根阻滞subarachnoid root block
蛛网膜阻滞Subarachnoid block
被膜淋巴窦subcapsular sinus
视网膜囊尾蚴病subretinal cysticercosis
视网膜积液subretinal fluid
支持细胞质膜subsurface cistern
躯干肌hypaxial muscle
运动引起的背痛kinetic low back pain
进行性视网膜纤维增生progressive subretinal fibrosis
选择性肠系膜动脉造影selective inferior mesenteric arteriography
锁骨动脉盗血综合征subclavian steal syndrome
锁骨静脉穿刺subclavicular venous puncture
阴茎尿道penile hypospadia
阴茎阴囊尿道penoscrotal hypospadia
顶体间隙subacrosomal space
间隙submental space
窝综合征infratemporal fossa syndrome
颌关节功能紊乱综合征temporomandibular joint disturbance syndrome
颌关节前脱位anterior dislocation of TMJ
颌关节疼痛-功能紊乱综合征TMJ pain-dysfunction syndrome
颌关节紊乱综合征disturbance syndrome of temporomandibular joint
颌关节紧张综合征TMJ stress syndrome
颌关节肌筋膜疼痛-功能紊乱综合征TMJ myofascial pain-dysfunction syndrome
颌关节脱臼dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint
袋植骨术bone grafting for infrabony pocket
骨性颞颌关节强直bony ankylosis of TMJ
骨膜植人桥基subperiosteal implant abutment
骨膜浸润麻醉subperiosteal infiltration anesthesia
骨膜种植体subperiosteal implant
髁突截骨术subcondylar osteotomy
隆起hypobranchial eminence
麻痹性上睑paralytic ptosis
麻醉双手触诊检查bimanual palpation under anesthesia
黏膜切除术submucous resection
黏膜前庭成形术submucosal vestibuloplasty
黏膜submucous layer
黏膜stratum submucosum
黏膜浸润麻醉submucous infiltration anesthesia
黏膜神经丛submucosal nervous plexus
黏膜神经丛Meissner plexus
黏膜种植体submucosal implant
黏膜肌瘤submucous hysteromyoma
黏膜鼻甲切除术submucous turbinectomy
鼻中隔黏膜切除术submucous resection of nasal septum
刮治器subgingival curette
刮治术subgingival curettage
牙石subgingival calculus
龟头glandular hypospadia