
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
动物animal experiment
习护士手册handbook for practical nurse
体显微镜stero microscope
性暗点positive scotoma
施护理计划implementation of nursing plan
时 B 型显像real time B-mode imaging
时回声图法real time echography
时诊断real time echography
时超声心动图real time echocardiography
时频谱分析real time spectral analysis
质内光性屈光性角膜切除术intrastromal photorefractive keratectomy photorefractive keratectomy
质性眼干燥症xerophthalmia parenchymatosa
质性角膜炎interstitial keratitis
际碱过剩actual base excess
际碳酸氢根actual bicarbonate radical
际碳酸氢盐actual bicarbonate
flat note
验室检查laboratory studies
急性质性肝炎acute parenchymatous hepatitis
护理nursing implementation
的分娩true labor
质损伤pulmonary parenchyma injury
质病变 X 线影像X-ray image of pulmonary parenchymal lesions